Chesterfield events

Forthcoming Events

The Empty Nester’s Club

Join Vicky Barret for the inaugural meeting of The Empty Nesters’ Club. If your children have left home and the nest is empty, this is the group for you! Vicky will share her story of empty bedrooms, fresher’s flu, boyfriends, long goodbyes, motorway service stations and trips to Ikea; and how she fought back to be the woman she is today, exhausted!

Featuring a host of characters you will love, and some you will hate!

Add £1 to the price for the Saturday evening performance.


  • Pomegranate Theatre



  • £19.50
  • £18.50 - concessions
  • £16.50 - child
  • £17.50 - group of 10+
  • £15.50 - school of 10+
  • £32.50 - dinner + show

Contact details:

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