Chesterfield High Street Awards

Chesterfield High Street Awards 2020

Chesterfield High Street Awards celebrates the best shops and businesses across Chesterfield.

In 2021 the Chesterfield High Street Awards will merge with the popular Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards to boost the profile of both sectors.  The new awards ceremony will feature new categories in business development and social responsibility.  More information coming soon here.

The winners of the Chesterfield High Street Awards were announced at a virtual awards ceremony on 21st October 2020.

After six fabulous years of the Chesterfield Retail Awards, in 2020 the awards has evolved into the Chesterfield High Street Awards.  This is in recognition of the national trend of high streets becoming more multi-functional destinations where people can access leisure and services as well as shops.

The new Chesterfield High Street Awards reflects the changing nature of the town centre, Chatsworth Road, Whittington Moor, Staveley and Hasland.  The great retail businesses in the area will continue to be celebrated, as well as regeneration and improvements, events and other businesses which have a physical presence and make a positive contribution to the high street.

Finalists are nominated by the public and judged by a panel of business experts with knowledge of the retail and business sector and the winners of the first High Street Awards will be announced on the 21st October.

Thank you for the support of all our sponsors; without your support, campaigns like this would not be possible.

Click here for Chesterfield High Street Awards Sponsorship opportunities.  For more information contact

If you are talking about the awards on social media – Facebook, twitter, instagram or linked in please use #CHSA20

Click here to discover the 2020 finalists.

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