Chesterfield News

Representation of districts and boroughs on D2N2 LEP board is an ‘important step forward’

John Burrows, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chairman of Destination Chesterfield, believes representation of boroughs and district councils on the board of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership is an important step forward.

Councillor Burrows has been appointed as the representative for all Derbyshire district and borough councils on the board, while Newark and Sherwood leader Councillor Roger Blaney is the voice for Nottinghamshire’s districts and boroughs.

Councillor Burrows said: “It is an important step forward for all district and borough councils in Derbyshire to have our importance to economic regeneration recognised properly by having a seat at the table. Our role is just as important as that of local businesses if we are to improve the economies of our local communities.

“All the district and borough councils are keen to see a holistic approach being taken on economic regeneration and transport issues and I will be seeking to bring them together in the economic strategy that D2N2 is producing.

“I was unanimously elected by the other district and borough councils and to ensure I am representing all their views, from whatever political persuasion, I am meeting with all the chief executives and leaders to find out their priorities and needs.

“I will use this, along with my own experience of regeneration issues in Chesterfield, to make a contribution to the wider strategy and actions being delivered by the Local Enterprise Partnership.”

Councillor Burrows and Councillor Blaney give the districts and boroughs a strong voice, sitting alongside the leaders of Derbyshire County Council, Derby City Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council on the 15-strong board.

D2N2 Chief Executive David Ralph said: “Representation from the districts and boroughs is very important as they bring a wealth of local knowledge of their area as well as planning and housing. Their engagement with the LEP will particularly help to deliver sustainable jobs.

“Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire is a vast and diverse patch so the experience and expertise the boroughs and districts can bring to D2N2, especially at board level through Councillor Burrows and Councillor Blaney, strengthens us as a Local Enterprise Partnership in driving forward economic growth in our area.”

Photo: John Burrows, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chairman of Destination Chesterfield with David Ralph, D2N2 Chief Executive.

Source:D2N2 LEP



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