Chesterfield News

National recognition for Chesterfield crafters

A Chesterfield knitting group has earned a special mention on the Innocent Smoothies website after working together to create over 4000 tiny hats for ‘The Big Knit’- an annual campaign designed to raise money for Age UK.

Led by Chesterfield Champion StraightCurves, the team of 53 has dreamed up all sorts of creations for the cause – from ghosts to soldiers, and everything has been knitted or crocheted by hand.

Karen Rogers, owner of StraightCurves is pleased to be involved in the campaign for a second year:

“We’re so grateful to everybody that has been involved in making these little hats – whilst the hats are only tiny, the difference that they make is huge. It’s a pleasure to be involved in The Big Knit 2014, and we’re already looking forward to setting our target for next year!”

The little hats are now at the headquarters of Innocent Smoothies and will appear in stores nationwide in February 2015. Look out for them as for every bottle sold with a knitted hat, 25p will be donated directly to Age UK to help keep older people warm in winter.

If anyone in Chesterfield would like to get involved in the collective effort for The Big Knit 2015 please contact Karen Rogers by emailing




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