Gold Medal Celebrations for Students at Chesterfield College
Students at Chesterfield College are celebrating after winning a gold medal in the regional and national heats of the WorldSkills UK – a contest which is designed to test knowledge, practical skills and attributes valued by employers.
The students competed in different disciplines demonstrating their expertise and using the skills they had learnt at college and in their workplaces.
This year’s winners were Blake Robey, in Automotive Refinishing and Jennie Jarvis in Advanced Nail Art.
Winners from last year, James Grayson in Automotive refinishing and Tom Beardsley in Fabrication and Welding, have both made the UK squad and will soon find out if they will be competing in the international competition in Brazil later this year.
Stuart Cutforth, Principal at Chesterfield College said “The determination, dedication and expertise demonstrated by the students in these competitions is phenomenal. To win medals at national level is no easy task and to potentially make it to international competition level really makes me proud. It demonstrates how a good college education coupled with industry experience can really make young people world class in their chosen field.”
Peter Lauener, Chief Executive from the Skills Funding Agency, the Education Funding Agency and the official UK delegate to the WorldSkills 2015 competition in Brazil joined staff and students from the college at a special lunch last week.
Peter said: “The Worldskills competition plays a vital role in raising standards and levels of expertise in further education. They raise the profile of a range of skills and prove how careers can be shaped by having them. Skills are vital for our economy and local colleges like this play a key role in making sure we are equipping local workforces with the skills they need.”
Photo from left to right: Stuart Cutforth; Jennie Jarvis; Peter Lauener; Blake Robey; Frank Smith, Head of Corporation, Chesterfield College (Photo by: Demetri Yiallourou)