Lawyers of the Future Reach Finals in Regional Competition
Budding lawyers from Chesterfield College have battled their way through a courtroom showdown to secure a place at the final of the 2015 Inter-School Mock Trial.
The annual competition, held by Sheffield Hallam University, in partnership with the Sheffield Law Society, is an opportunity for A level students from schools and colleges across the region to compete for valuable work experience placements with local solicitors, as well as a trophy to take back home.
Students at Chesterfield College gave a winning performance before the jury and now wait to hear who they will face in the final which takes place at Sheffield Combined Courts in June.
Julie Fidorra, 6th form law lecturer said:-
“Competitions like this give students a fantastic insight into what it is like to be a solicitor or a barrister and where their studies can lead to.
“I am really proud of our students. They were articulate and presented their case eloquently. They have proven they can put the things they have learnt into practice without letting the pressure of a real life court room scenario affect their ability to think on their feet. They really did look the part too!”
Holly Cole, one of the A ‘level team members commented:-
“The competition has been an amazing and eye-opening experience. It has been fun too. It’s made me realise that I would definitely like to pursue law as a career.”
Photo: From left to right: Chesterfield College A’Level Law Students – Holly Cole, Freya Hindley, Bobby Cutts, Andre Beighton , Tom Ullyatt.