Chesterfield News

Discover the top 50 businesses in North Derbyshire

BHP Accountants and the Derbyshire Times recently published their list of the top 50 businesses in North Derbyshire and the state of the economy.

Dominic Staniforth of BHP said “Against a backdrop of a stable economy, controlled growth and record employment, North Derbyshire continues to shine brightly and is rapidly becoming a powerhouse of the region. Overall the Top 50 SMEs in North Derbyshire contribute turnover of over £712 million, generate pre-tax profits in excess of £55million and employ over 4,000 people.”

“At the headline level these numbers reflect a growing confidence in the area and demonstrate a willingness to invest. 2014 certainly felt different to previous years and many companies reported significant growth suggesting sustainable confidence and an improving economy.”

Download the report and discover the top 50 SMEs in North Derbyshire in 2015

BHP Top 50 SMES North Derbyshire 2015

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

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Top 50 businesses in North Derbyshire

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