Chesterfield News

Chesterfield welcomes East Midlands in Bloom Judges

Judges from East Midlands in Bloom have spent the day in Chesterfield to assess the borough’s entry in the regional competition.  Chesterfield in Bloom is a community project led by Chesterfield Borough Council to encourage people to make the borough as bright, clean and cheerful as possible as part of our entry.

On their tour the judges visited sites in all parts of the borough including Eastwood Park in Hasland where they will meet the Friends of Eastwood Park and members of the community garden.  They visited Queen’s Park and the allotment holders at Boythorpe Allotments, the Britannia Pub – a previous winner of the best blooming pub/restaurant – and met pupils at St Mary’s Primary School, before ending at Ringwood Hall Hotel, the sponsor of the Chesterfield in Bloom competition.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for health and wellbeing said: “Each year, Chesterfield in Bloom brings out the best in people as we all work together to help made our borough look its best – I know that our residents, local businesses and community groups have taken a lot of pride in maintaining their homes and businesses.

“Our staff, too, have worked hard to maintain our parks and open spaces, create floral displays and keep our streets clean throughout the year and special thanks go to them.”

Chesterfield is entered into the small cities category in the East Midlands in Bloom awards.
The judging criteria includes:
• Attractive and well-maintained floral displays
• Involvement by community groups and businesses
• Quality of the local environment
• Cleanliness of the area – absence of litter and graffiti.

John Simpson, East Midlands in Bloom judge said: “We are now at the end of a two-week tour in the small cities category.
“Chesterfield has some real highlights: it is florally beautiful and we have had the opportunity to meet volunteers and community groups. It is a town which looks to be thriving.”
Chesterfield was awarded silver-gilt in the awards last year.  The results of this years East Midlands in Bloom competition will be announced in the autumn.
East Midlands in Bloom Judging 2015

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom
Chesterfield in Bloom

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