Chesterfield News

Devolution bid formally submitted by council leaders

Council leaders in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire have submitted a joint bid to government for the devolution of more economic powers and much greater control over their own affairs.

It is believed that the ground-breaking deal would place the East Midlands firmly on the Westminster map and at the front of the queue for jobs, growth and skills.

It would also place the area, which includes the Core City of Nottingham, on a par with Greater Manchester, South Yorkshire and the West Midlands.

The final detail of the bid is still subject to on-going negotiation, but will include new powers to generate income for major infrastructure projects. It also calls for more say over jobs, skills, housing and transport projects.

One of the Government’s conditions for devolving significant powers includes a directly elected mayor. While this is challenging for many, it was agreed that it needed to be seen in the light of the prize that was on offer.

All 19 councils in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, including Chesterfield Borough Council, have shown their support for the idea of regions having greater control over their own affairs and being able to help local economies to thrive.

In a joint statement, Councillor Anne Western, Chair of the D2 Joint Committee, and Councillor Graham Chapman, Chair of the Nottinghamshire Economic Prosperity Committee, said:

“We submitted our devolution bid to Government on Friday 4 September 2015 after an agreement from the leaders of the councils.

“The potential benefits to local people are substantial. It would place Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire at the head of the queue for skills, growth and economic development.

“We all know that some of the conditions are challenging but the size of the prize means that we can’t afford not to be at the table. The important thing now is to keep talking and negotiating so we can secure the best possible deal for the people of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.”

Chesterfield Town Hall spring

Tara Underhill

Senior Destination Chesterfield Coordinator

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Chesterfield Borough Council agrees deal to fund voluntary groups

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