Chesterfield News

A proud procession of graduates takes to the streets of Chesterfield

A procession of proud graduates from Chesterfield College’s higher education courses created a fantastic sight as they left the town hall making their way through the town centre to their graduation ceremony at the Crooked Spire today. They were congratulated for their achievements by friends, family and passers-by on route.

Almost 300 people graduated this year with a range of qualifications from Higher National Diplomas to degrees in a variety of subjects ranging from criminal justice to computing; engineering to education and business to sports science.

Image gallery from the graduation celebrations

Stuart Cutforth, Principal at Chesterfield College said: “Congratulations to all our graduates. It feels like an absolute honour to be part of the ceremony today and to hear how studying to this higher level has made a difference for so many people in the area. I’ve heard some inspirational stories from graduates and their families which confirms how having access to quality higher education locally can transform people’s lives. From what I have heard, these graduates will soon be having a positive impact on our economy too, if they’re not already.”

Luke Terry, Age 28 from Chesterfield, who graduated with a BA (hons) in Business Management today has already climbed the career ladder from team leader to store manager and puts his promotion down to what he has learnt on his degree course.

He told us “I am already reaping the benefits of doing my degree and putting what I have learnt into practice. The course has allowed me to develop professionally and personally and I know that this combination has helped me to get on the next rung of the career ladder.”

“I am back at college and studying for an MA in business management. My goal is to work my way up through management to board level. I know studying can help me get there and I am grateful that I can do it on my doorstep so I can fit it in around work.”Chesterfield College Graduation 2015


Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

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Chesterfield College Graduation 2015

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