Chesterfield News

Chatsworth at forefront of accessible tourism campaign

Chatsworth is one of eight businesses across the Peak District and Derbyshire playing a leading role in a pioneering project promoting England as a leading destination for accessible tourism.

Official tourist board Visit Peak District & Derbyshire was one of just seven top destinations to net a share in national tourist board VisitEngland’s ‘Access for All’ project, funded by a 125,000 Euros (more than £93,000) grant from the European Commission.

Chastworth has had a site audit to review facilities and pinpoint areas that could be improved, classroom-based and on-line training to boost customer service, a ‘mystery shop’  by people with a range of disabilities and tips to improve their accessibility statement and websites.

It also shared in a £100,000 print and on-line media and marketing campaign by VisitEngland in partnership with Express Newspapers throughout September, which aimed to raise awareness of accessible destinations and businesses across England.

VisitEngland research reveals that the overnight accessible tourism market is now worth £3 billion per annum to the English economy, with day visits boosting the figure to £12.1 billion. Over the past few years, overnight trips by disabled tourists and their companions have increased by 19 per cent, and their spending is up by a third.

“VisitEngland estimates that the overall annual value of overnight accessible tourism to Derbyshire is £45 million, so it makes sense for local businesses to invest in improving their facilities and services for this key sector of the market,” said Lindsay Rae, Deputy Director and Head of Industry Engagement at Visit Peak District & Derbyshire

James Berresford, Chief Executive of VisitEngland, said: “The accessible tourism market is worth a sizeable £12.1 billion to the English economy, and many tourism businesses are realising that catering for disabled customers is not only a necessity but a wise investment that brings a host of business benefits. Many of the changes businesses make may be small, but combined contribute significantly to the visitor experience.”

Sally Ambrose, Head of Marketing and Visitor Services at Chatsworth said: “Chatsworth is delighted to be part of VisitEngland’s Access for All initiative. We have always been committed to providing the best possible service to all our visitors, including those with mobility impairments, and this scheme has enabled us to ensure we are constantly improving our facilities to provide the best possible visitor experience for all.”

Chatsworth- accessible tourism

Tara Underhill

Senior Destination Chesterfield Coordinator

Email Tara

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