Chesterfield News

Brave team at BHP kick off Macmillan fundraising mission

Two partners and four employees at Barber Harrison and Platt (BHP) have had their legs waxed for charity, raising £800 for The Chesterfield Royal Macmillan Cancer Centre Appeal.

This is the first event of several BHP is planning to help fundraise for what they see as a vital project for the area. The firm says it is a cause which has struck a chord with many businesses in Chesterfield.

Partner Dominic Staniforth said “The local community is very important to us – and we encourage staff to do all they can to support the causes that they are passionate about. Sadly, cancer affects a huge amount of people and has touched on many people’s lives.

“The new cancer centre will be extremely welcome in the area, helping to make what will always be a difficult time that little bit more bearable. We think that both Macmillan and the hospital are doing a great job and are pleased to be able to do our bit to support them.

“We would very much like to thank the staff and students from the Beauty Department of Chesterfield College for their generous support in our first event.”

On 26 November BHP is running a Race Night which is already gathering support – with sponsors MTM Products, NatWest and Padley and Venables already signed up to really help make it a success. For tickets or sponsorship information email

BHP leg wax 2015

Tara Underhill

Senior Destination Chesterfield Coordinator

Email Tara

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