Have Your say for Development Sites
Chesterfield Borough Council is asking landowners, developers and local businesses to put forward sites that might be suitable for development.
This is part of the council’s land availability assessment (LAA) which identifies land appropriate for development and assesses the suitability of the sites.
This will form the basis of the council’s new local plan and help the council decide which sites should be allocated for a range of types of development including housing, employment, retail and traveller sites.
Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for planning said: “We are encouraging landowners and developers to send us information on sites which might be suitable for development
“We will then assess those sites and take them forward through the Local Plan process if they are suitable.”
Because a site is considered in the assessment does not mean it will necessarily be considered suitable for development.
Should anyone wish to include a site for consideration, we need to collect as much information possible to ensure an accurate assessment.
Anyone who has a site to be considered for development should complete the form on the council website: www.chesterfield.gov.uk/laa and email to the strategic planning and key sites team: forward.planning@chesterfield.gov.uk