Chesterfield News

Chesterfield welcomes new mayor

Chesterfield welcomes its 376th mayor as Councillor Steve Brunt takes up the reins for the coming year.

The new mayor was sworn in at Chesterfield Borough Council’s annual council meeting this week.

Councillor Brunt was elected as a Labour member serving Brockwell ward at the local elections in May 2015. He had previously served as a ward councillor for Holmebrook ward serving from 1987 to 1999.

He worked in mining before a career in further education, retiring from Northern College in Barnsley after 21 years last summer.

He will be supported in the role by his wife, Jill Mannion-Brunt, who will serve as mayoress.

Councillor Brunt said: “This is such an honour for us. Chesterfield has such a history and is a great place for people to live and work.

“I will do my best to represent this historic town and fulfil the role of mayor proudly.”

Residents are invited to attend the civic service at St Mary and All Saints’ Church, the Crooked Spire, on Saturday 14 May from 11am.

The service will be led by the mayor’s chaplain and the church’s incumbent, Revd Patrick Coleman in the presence of Rt Revd Dr Alistair Redfern, the Bishop of Derby.

There will be a civic procession from the Town Hall to the church.

Anyone attending the service is asked to be seated for 10.40am before the procession arrives at the church.

The service will be followed by a further procession from the church to the Town Hall. There is likely to be congestion in the town centre and the car parks around the Town Hall will also be closed until after the service.

The mayor and mayoress will support two charities during their year of office:

Councillor Brunt and Mrs Mannion-Brunt replace Councillor Barry Bingham and his wife June who served as Chesterfield’s mayor and mayoress in 2015/16.

Tara Underhill

Senior Destination Chesterfield Coordinator

Email Tara
Cllr Steve Brunt, Mrs Jill Mannion-Brunt, mayor and mayoress of Chesterfield 2016-17

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