Chesterfield News

NLT Training Services achieves UK first

Chesterfield Champion NLT Training Services has become the first training provider in the country to achieve the new matrix+ accreditation.

NLT, which provides apprenticeship training to young people throughout the region, was selected to be involved in the pilot of the brand new Government matrix+ standard earlier this year.

The new advanced standard is an extension of matrix, a unique quality standard for organisations to assess and measure their advice and support services, which ultimately supports individuals in their choice of career, learning, work and life goals.

The higher level matrix+ quality standard has been introduced to meet demand from existing holders of the matrix standard who want to challenge themselves in the business critical areas of strategic positioning, leadership principles and people engagement.

NLT’s Chesterfield office, based on Station Road in Brimington, underwent the rigorous inspection at the end of last year and was successfully awarded the prestigious standard in April.

The government accreditation recognises excellence in leadership and management in training organisations that are funded by the Skills Funding Agency (SFA).

Following the successful attainment of Matrix+, the standard is now being rolled out to training organisations across the UK.

Delighted to be the first in the country to receive the advanced accreditation, Andy Sheppard, Chief Executive of NLT Training Services said: “We train, advise and support hundreds of young people every year so for our services to be recognised as exemplar is a wonderful achievement. I am very proud that NLT is the first in the country to achieve the matrix+ accolade. It is testament to our great team that we are leading in our field.”

Paul Bridle, Chairman of Assessment Services Ltd which is the sole provider for the matrix Standard, said: “We are delighted that NTL undertook the Matrix+ and congratulate them on their success. Organisations like NLT understand that ongoing success and improvement requires constantly challenging yourself. By embracing the matrix+ approach they have demonstrated their desire and commitment to discover the best of who they can be.”

NLT Training Services, which was established more than 40 years ago, has offices in both Chesterfield and Scunthorpe. It is renowned in the industry for delivering specialist engineering and manufacturing training as well as apprenticeships in business skills.

NLT Chief Executive Andy Sheppard and Head of Business Development Cathie Mitchell

Tara Underhill

Senior Destination Chesterfield Coordinator

Email Tara

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