Marking the centenary of the Battle of the Somme
Chesterfield residents are invited to mark the centenary of the Battle of the Somme on Friday 1st July.
On the day Chesterfield’s mayor, Councillor Steve Brunt will blow a whistle three times at 7.30am to signal the exact time that the whistles were blown at the Somme to signify the beginning of the battle.
The event will also include a march with standards, a rendition of the Last Post and a two minutes silence followed by a wreath laying ceremony.
Councillor Sharon Blank, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for governance, said: “The Battle of the Somme was a terrible event in which hundreds of thousands of servicemen were killed within hours of the battle starting.
Chesterfield’s Battle of the Somme commemoration takes place at the war memorial on Rose Hill, opposite the Town Hall on Friday 1 July. People are asked to be in place for 7.10am.