Chesterfield News

UKATA’s asbestos campaign vital to trade person safety

The UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) which is based in Chesterfield says its Train Safe, Work Safe, Keep Safe campaign is vital to the safety of tradespeople throughout the Health and Safety industry, following its launch at this year’s Safety and Health Expo (SHE) on 21-23 June. The campaign promotes general asbestos awareness and safety advice, as well as explaining in detail the importance of correct handling of asbestos.

The campaign forms part of the ongoing commitment of UKATA and its members to emphasise the importance of sourcing a competent training provider  and the Health and safety Executive (HSE) advice that workers and supervisors must be trained to recognise Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) and be able to know what to do should they encounter them.

UKATA members have been taking part in Train Safe, Work Safe, Keep Safe over the last two years by offering free asbestos training courses during September and October. Last year, members of the Association involved in the campaign offered over 3,500 hours of free asbestos training, in an attempt to further raise the profile of the importance of the correct handling of asbestos. Now back for 2016, UKATA’s General Manager, Craig Evans, says the campaign is crucial for all tradespeople.

“Train Safe, Work Safe, Keep Safe is a campaign we’ve put a lot of backing into since its inception two years ago,” said Craig. “Given the dangers asbestos presents us all with, the campaign is extremely useful and informative for anyone in the trade industry.”

“Ignorance isn’t an excuse when it comes to asbestos,” said Craig. “People must be informed and aware of the dangers asbestos presents so as not to harm either themselves or others. There must be a change in attitudes when it comes to asbestos, and Train Safe, Work Safe, Keep Safe can do that,” he concluded.

UKATA Chesterfield Champion

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

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UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) Chesterfield