Chesterfield News

Chesterfield cycle path officially opened

Another link in the Chesterfield Cycle path was officially opened on Friday 16 September.

Derbyshire County Council’s Deputy Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Infrastructure, Councillor John Owen cut the ribbon on the new 30-metre span bridge over Hollis Lane and then led the way over it followed by pupils from Brockwell Junior School.

This development marks a major milestone in the cycle path between Queen’s Park and Chesterfield train station. This will provide a direct route from the station across a series of new and re-furbished bridges to connect with existing paths linking to Derby Road, the Ravenside retail park and the Hipper Valley Trail to Somersall.

The new path is being installed as part of the Chesterfield Cycle Network – a long-term project to link shopping areas to the train and bus station and main residential areas in the town.


Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom