Chesterfield News

Take part in Chesterfield College’s Santa Dash

Chesterfield College invite you to put on your best festive fancy dress and join them for a festive Santa Dash around Queens Park at 10am on Monday 12th December to help raise money to send student volunteers to Africa.

Last year’s event saw over 100 Chesterfield College students and staff join forces with local organisations and businesses to raise funds which helped to send a group of students on a volunteering expedition of a lifetime to Ghana with African Adventures* where they worked on projects that made a big difference for the local children and the community.

The college are urging individuals and businesses to take part in whatever way they fancy tackling the dash around the park.  If you are entering as a team, there’s an option to do the two mile course either, in a relay or as a group.

Stuart Cutforth, Principal at Chesterfield College, is asking students, staff , local residents and businesses to sign up to take part in the festive fun again this year.  He said:

“Our Santa Dash is going to be bigger and better this year but we do need the help of the people of Chesterfield. The dash is a fantastic festive start to the week so we’d love you to get behind us by taking part in the dash, sponsoring the participants or donating prizes for the best dressed dashers. We want to give more students the opportunity to go on an inspiring and life-changing trip to Africa and to make a bigger impact with their volunteering.”

Sign up now as a team or individual and receive an early bird discount.

  • Chesterfield College staff/students  – advanced registration £3 (£4 on the day)
  • External entry/individual – advance registration  £6 (£7 on the day)
  • External entry/business team of 4 entry £20 (advance ticket only)

Contact to make a booking or for more information.

Chesterfield College Santa Dash

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom
Santa Dash