Chesterfield News

New date announced for 2017 Chesterfield Half Marathon

This year’s Chesterfield Half Marathon will now take place on Sunday 22nd of October, incorporating the individual half marathon, two team relays (2 X 10K and 4 X 5K) and fun run.

Originally scheduled for the 24th of September the event has been put back to the 22nd of October following feedback from a number of runners disappointed that they wanted to take part but couldn’t because of the clash of date with the Sheffield 10K and the Robin Hood Marathon and Half Marathon.

With such positive feedback from the 2016 Chesterfield Half Marathon, organisers of the event didn’t want to disappoint those wanting to run again in 2017, so have taken the decision to re-schedule.

As Andrea Hooley, Operations Manager at The Chesterfield Marathon, explained:-

“We had such a fantastic response from runners to the new improved half marathon course in 2016 that it seemed a shame when a number of runners contacted us concerned about the clash of dates. Therefore, while the route will remain exactly the same as in 2016, the date of the event for 2017 has been put back until later in October.

“We have also taken the decision to freeze the price of the event until the end of February at the early bird price of £25 for the individual half marathon (plus £3.50 postage of running number), £20 per runner for the 2 X 10K relay and £10 per runner for the 4 X 5K relay.”

All races will once again start and finish in Queens Park, with the half marathon route taking in Chesterfield Town Centre, and the popular stretches of Hasland and Chatsworth Road. Individual runners raising a minimum of £50 in sponsorship for Kids n Cancer are able to run for free, as are teams of 2 raising £100 and teams of 4 raising £200.

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

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