Chesterfield News

Peak FM awards to shine a light on local heroes

The Peak FM Local Hero Awards return in June with just one purpose: to shine a light on the outstanding, caring and selfless people of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

This year’s celebration event will be held at one of Chesterfield’s most historic buildings, The Winding Wheel on Friday 9th June, thanks to CBD Training. The business community, Peak FM presenters and staff, local celebrities and star entertainers will join those deserving people who have been nominated in one of the Local Hero categories ranging from Child or Teenager of Courage to Contribution to the Community.

Tim Smith, Peak FM Content Controller, anticipates another spectacular evening:-

“The sheer goodwill and determination of people can really take you back and that’s why we pull out all the stops to make this annual event so special.  I can’t reveal too much about the acts on the night – we want that to be a surprise.

All I can say is expect an uplifting night of heart warming stories, great live music and fantastic food as we celebrate the Local Heroes of Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.”

Sam Fielding, Regional Station Director, adds:-

“This is my favourite event in our calendar. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to recognise the amazing achievements of our local people who have in some way made a difference to our local community, shown courage or helped make the lives of others that little bit better”.

Nominations for all categories can be made at here until 21st May.

peak fm local heroes

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom
peak fm local heroes