Chesterfield News

New NGS Macmillan Unit ready for business

In November 2015 building work started on the NGS Macmillan Unit, yesterday it was ready to welcome patients across a range of outpatient services for the first time.

The opening marked the end of a two year appeal that raised two and a half million pounds, including a one and a half million pound donation from the National Garden Scheme.

The £9million development has bought all of the Trust’s cancer services together under one roof to revolutionise the way cancer care is delivered in the hospital – with a new pharmacy & Macmillan support and information services in the unit.

The new facility now includes:

  • 25 Chemotherapy Chairs and two beds (there are currently eight chairs and no beds at the Hospital). This means many people will no longer have to travel to Sheffield for their treatment and be closer to home.
  • Treatment and care in one location
  • Specialist information and advice service and a Macmillan Information Advice Centre Manager
  • Counseling
  • Complementary therapies, welfare benefits advice, practical support and dietary advice
  • Access to self help and support groups
  • Signposting to the voluntary and community sector for support

Alongside improved facilities the building offers more space and a nicer environment for the patients as they receive treatment; the Unit is light and airy opposed to the old Cavendish Suite which had no windows and was often cramped.

The Chesterfield Royal Hospital and Macmillan Cancer Support has released a new video taking us inside the new NGS Macmillan Unit as it opens its doors to patients for the first time. The video also thanks locals who have helped to build the unit through continued support and fundraising throughout the 18 month appeal.

NGS Macmillan Unit

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom