Chesterfield News

Women in Business Network group set to launch in Chesterfield

Capitalising on recent research – stating that nationally the proportion of women that went into business between 2013 and 2016 rose by 45% – the Women in Business Network (WIBN) are set to launch a new networking service for business women in Chesterfield.

The WIBN is a membership organisation for women who wish to gain new business opportunities through word of mouth. Whether employed or a business owner the network has a huge diversity of businesses involved.

Networking is widely seen as the most effective business tool to market any business or service. The WIBN has been offering businesses the chance to meet monthly to do business together, collaborate on projects and gain new leads for over 12 years. The Chesterfield group will be first group set up in Derbyshire after success of the group in Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire.

The WIBN will meet for a two hour networking meeting held every month, starting from 5th October, where they will share lunch whilst allowing delegates the opportunity to increase business, brand and profile for their organisation.

Paula Grizzard, Director of WIBN North Derbyshire and Yorkshire,  said:-

“We are impressed with the drive for business in Chesterfield and keen to set up our newest WIBN Group here to be part of the growth and investment in the town.”

To find out more about the meetings please click here.

women in business network

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom
Women in Business Network