Chesterfield News

Chesterfield remembers the fallen

Chesterfield residents can remember those who have lost their lives in war at a series of events organised by Chesterfield Borough Council.

On Armistice Day, Saturday 11 November, the national two-minute silence will be marked with an event at the war memorial, Rose Hill opposite Chesterfield Town Hall at 11am.

Everyone is welcome to attend the event where the service will be marked by the sounding of the Last Post and Reveille. People wishing to take part should be in place by 10.45am.

The silence will be marked in other Chesterfield Borough Council buildings including the Customer Service Centre in New Square, Chesterfield Market Hall, Visitor Information Centre in Rykneld Square, Queen’s Park Sports Centre and the Healthy Living Centre in Staveley.

Other shops and businesses will also mark the silence.

The annual Remembrance Sunday service takes place at St Mary and All Saints’ Church, the ‘Crooked Spire’ on Sunday 12 November at 2.30pm.

Everyone is welcome to attend but people are asked to be seated by 2pm as the church becomes full quickly.

Following the service, a civic parade with the mayor and other civic representatives, the Royal British Legion, members of armed forces’ organisations and uniformed and voluntary organisations will head to the war memorial at Rose Hill for the wreath laying ceremony.

Councillor Sharon Blank, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for governance, said:-

“Events to mark Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday are the most solemn in our calendar.

“Everyone is welcome to come and join our events to remember those who have died in the First World War and subsequent conflicts.”

A service organised by Staveley Town Council will take place at 11am on Remembrance Sunday, 12 November, at the Memorial Gardens, Staveley.

Other remembrance events will also be held in the borough.

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom
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