Chesterfield News

Chesterfield’s Robinson Plc appoints sustainability expert as new director

Award-winning sustainability expert Lubna Edwards has joined Chesterfield-based Robinson Plc, custom manufacturer of plastic and paperboard packaging, as their Group Sustainability and Marketing Director.

Lubna will be building on the company’s heritage and strong commitment to sustainability and launching a range of new initiatives as the 180-year-old business rebrands in the autumn.

With over twenty years’ experience in sustainability leadership, Lubna is excited to become a part of the successful company, which announced their latest significant operational investments and 5% year-on-year sales growth, despite challenging market conditions.

Lubna’s appointment follows that of Dr Helene Roberts as the new Chief Executive of Robinson plc, both previously having worked at leading global packaging manufacturers Klöckner Pentaplast and Sealed Air.

Dr Helene says: “We are absolutely delighted to have Lubna on our leadership team. Lubna is a force for change in the plastics industry – a champion of sustainability and the voice of reason at a time when misconceptions about plastics and the packaging industry are prevailing. Tirelessly working to make people more aware of the benefits of plastic in a sustainable world, Lubna is also now in demand globally as a leader for change and engagement in an environmentally and socially compassionate way, while meeting market needs”.

Lubna has appeared on both national and regional television aiming to debunk the many misconceptions around the industry, explaining the benefits of plastics, a unique valuable material that should be managed and disposed of responsibly, collected, sorted and recycled. She is determined to support the development of a circular economy and prevent leakage of plastics into our marine and land environment.

Lubna, who will be developing a new dynamic sustainability strategy on her arrival, is thrilled about her new role. She says: “I am elated to be working with an organisation that has such a remarkable history and heritage, helping to embed sustainability at the heart of everything we do. I am passionate about packaging, in particular closed loop plastic packaging which can, if we all take a joined-up approach, drive transformational change and create a better, circular future for plastic, while remaining high performing and fully functional”.

Aside from media appearances, Lubna lobbied for change, working with industry and governmental organisations on single-use plastics with the European Commission and HM Treasury.

Lubna is trustee member of RECOUP, and has been Board member of RECOUP, INCPEN, BPF, EUPC, UK Plastics Pact, and chaired the EUPC PET Sheet association. She also extended her efforts into the community for example as a Starpack awards sponsor for educational institutes focussed on packaging design, and collaborating with schools as part of WRAP’s Fresher for Longer engagement campaign.

Robinson PLC supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom