Chesterfield News

Chesterfield Sales Assistant becomes influencer for New Look

Lauren Cosier, Sales Assistant at Vicar Lane Shopping Centre’s New Look store, has been chosen to represent the brand as part of the #NewLookers initiative.

The #NewLookers team are a group of employees working for the brand across its extensive network of stores, distribution centres and HQs, dedicated to delivering a daily dose of style inspiration to New Look’s local audiences via Instagram.

As well as insider info, behind-the-scenes action, and styling tips, followers can also expect to see snippets of their life working across all areas of New Look.

The initiative embodies the importance of the brand’s dedication to its local communities and its firm commitment to shopping centres and high streets throughout the UK.

Lauren Cosier said “I am so excited to be a #NewLooker! I completed the final stage of the application and received an email titled “congratulations” a few days later – I was having my nails done at the time and had to keep so calm! I still have to pinch myself when I think about it to be honest, it’s such an amazing opportunity that New Look has provided for us.’’

Lauren has been a sales assistant at the Vicar Lane’s New Look store for 7 years and you can follow her on instagram at @newlook_lauren.c

Head on down to Vicar Lane to shop at New Look and many other stores.

For inspiration about shopping in Chesterfield check out our Love Chesterfield page and the finalists of the Love Chesterfield Awards.


Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom
Meet Lauren Cosier, Vicar Lane’s Very Own ‘#NewLooker’ Influencer(@newlook_lauren.c)