Chesterfield News

Chesterfield business leaders encourage firms to take advantage of local support

Chesterfield business leaders are urging companies across the town to take advantage of a wide range of support being offered, to assist in their growth and innovation.

The recent Destination Chesterfield Round Table discussion, conducted in collaboration with the Derbyshire Times, brought together several organisations to celebrate the reasons why they love working, living and running businesses in the town.

Delegates highlighted how Chesterfield was a town full of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs, with its vibrant community, strategic location, access to skill and talent, and robust support ecosystem.

Firms across the Borough of Chesterfield can currently access a wide range of support options. From improving sustainability to upskilling their teams and exploring innovation and growth, the Round Table panel were keen to encourage other businesses in the town to take advantage of the schemes available.

Abigail Phillips, Start-up Advisor at East Midlands Chamber explained more about the Chesterfield Accelerator Scheme, which was launched in late 2023: “The programme provides one-to-one business support. The key thing about it is that our advisors can highlight potential improvements which you may not know about or haven’t considered. A series of workshops are being hosted across our region too.”

Celebrate Chesterfield 2024 exhibition

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council commented: “As a council, we hold regular conversations with businesses across a diverse range of sectors, so we have a good overall vision of what is happening across the borough. The Manufacturing and Property & Construction Forums held under the Destination Chesterfield umbrella are a real strength. I am also very keen to highlight the Skills Brokerage Service which Chesterfield Borough Council has launched for businesses, which allows us to talk to a range of organisations about their skills gaps and identify what they need.”

Chesterfield boasts a bustling community of more than 5,000 businesses. Whether you’re starting up, or looking to grow, a supportive network of organisations are more than happy to share advice. From informal meetups to large exhibitions and major summit events, the sense of camaraderie in Chesterfield helps to reassure people when faced with the challenges of starting a business.

Catherine Wenborn, Managing Director at Vines Legal Ltd spoke of her experience of moving her organisation to the town: “We were shy at the beginning, very much newcomers. However, we got involved in networking with other businesses, attending BNI and the Chesterfield Business Expo at Casa Hotel. We soon found that it was great to meet local businesses. It is always hard setting up in a new place, but people are so friendly here, and people always welcome you. There are so many opportunities here, and now I certainly don’t want to go back down south!”

For established companies, being ingrained into Chesterfield’s community becomes a natural progression. Matt Killingley, Business Development Director of NT Killingley Ltd, which has been trading for more than half a century, explained how important it is for business owners to step away from their day-to-day tasks and collaborate with others.

He said: “One of the most useful things for me was being part of a Chamber initiative which saw a group of managing directors meeting semi-formally once every month. It was very useful because we were all non-competing businesses, and it enabled you to step out of your own business, share problems and then discuss possible solutions. Running a business is totally encompassing, and to step away just for a couple of hours and meet with other business leaders is a great idea.”

Around 150 guests seated in rows facing the stage at the front in the function room at Casa Hotel

Abigail Phillips added: “Through adversity, businesses across Chesterfield have bonded together and it has been beautiful to see. People are being honest and helping each other, which provides a great environment for support and collaboration. The more we can have cross-sector conversations, the more we can continue to break down barriers.”

Cllr Tricia Gilby said: “It’s fantastic to see how businesses step forward when we ask them to – showing a real collective aspiration for our place and people. In terms of inward investment, businesses are always willing to come forward and support. We have seen a fantastic response to Destination Chesterfield’s call for new board members, and the appetite of businesses wanting to get involved in the new Chesterfield Town Board has been strong too.”

In addition, delegates at the Round Table explained how being located in Chesterfield, with its central location and proximity to several major cities, was helping to give them a strategic advantage.

Business man in suit with briefcase stepping off train onto platform at Chesterfield Railway Station

Chesterfield Railway Station

Mel Archbould, Managing Director owner of Cloud-Busting, commented: “The location of our town is its greatest strength. We are in the centre of the UK, next to the M1. When the upcoming work has been carried out at the rail station to provide a great welcome to Chesterfield, I think it will be really exciting.”

Catherine Wenborn added: “You can get to up Scotland, or down as far as the south-west either on the train or by road. We’re pretty much bang in the centre, which I consider to be a huge advantage.”

The town’s location also enables businesses to tap into a wide talent pool, with an estimated 7 million people living within an hour’s commute of Chesterfield. Attendees at the Round Table pointed out how they were ensuring they made the most of local skills opportunities to help grow their organisations and create jobs.

Matt Killingley said: “We are working with local schools, trying to promote apprenticeships and we are looking to engage with the potential workforce in our area. Sometimes in business, it is easy to have aspirations you can’t actually enact, but stepping away and speaking to schools and universities helps to promote your business and engage with the next generation.”

Paul Chapman, Owner and Editor of S40 Local Magazine added: “The sense of community in Chesterfield is so different to anywhere else. Look at the links we have between businesses and educators, such as Chesterfield College and the University of Derby. If you’re looking for particular skills, they’ll speak to you and ask what you’re looking for. They’ll then train people up to help get people into jobs, which is excellent.”

Are you a Chesterfield business looking for support to grow or upskill your organisation? Find out more at:

Round Table - Celebrate Local

Josh Marsh

Destination Chesterfield Coordinator (Investment and Marketing)

Email Josh
Round Table Celebrate Local 2024

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