Chesterfield News

Chesterfield’s Global Brands receives £100,000 grant to support sustainability goals

Global Brands Ltd has been awarded a £100,000 grant to support its ambitious sustainability strategy with new technologies.

The funding will be used to introduce state-of-the-art energy-efficient technologies at Global Brands’ Clay Cross distribution centre, accelerating its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and achieve coveted net zero status by 2050.

The grant, from the Clay Cross Town Deal’s Low Carbon Challenge Fund, will facilitate three crucial elements: the installation of energy-efficient lighting, deployment of battery storage solutions to harness solar energy, and the creation of an onsite Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) fuelling station.

These measures are expected to substantially reduce emissions from Global Brands’ distribution operations, with the drinks business already aiming for a 40% cut per £M turnover by 2030, as well as a 92% reduction per £M turnover by 2050.

Shaun Bacon, Group Managing and Financial Director at Global Brands, commented: “This investment marks another pivotal moment in our sustainability journey. As part of a single-use industry, it is crucial to lead by example and adopt meaningful changes that reduce our environmental impact. By switching to energy-efficient solutions and alternative fuels, we’re committed to doing our bit locally and hope to inspire other businesses in our community to do the same.”

The grant bolsters Global Brands’ existing sustainability strategy, which includes transitioning to a fully electric and HVO-powered fleet, using 100% renewable electricity by 2025, and partnering with suppliers who are equally committed to decarbonisation. The business recently became members of SEDEX, a move that will further enhance its ability to manage supply chain sustainability.

Shaun continued: “With plans already in place to switch the entire logistics fleet to zero-carbon by 2050, and with over 50% of the warehouse energy now powered by solar panels, this funding allows Global Brands to continue driving forward its sustainability goals.”

The grant has been provided by the North East Derbyshire District Council through the Low Carbon Challenge Fund – a programme of support to help stimulate the transition to a low carbon economy.

Lee Barnes, Chair of the Clay Cross Town Board, added: “We’re seeing some significant change as more businesses like Global Brands complete their journey with the Low Carbon Challenge Fund. Recipients have praised the process of receiving grants as being quick, easy and well worth their time, and it’s heart-warming to know we were able to support them as part of their mission to be more sustainable.”

Global Brands continues to take a proactive approach to sustainability, from using 100% recyclable packaging materials to implementing innovative employee training and establishing an internal ESG committee.

With a diverse drinks portfolio featuring iconic names like VK, Franklin & Sons, and Hooch, the company remains unwavering in its commitment to driving continuous improvement across all its brands and operational areas, setting new benchmarks for sustainability within the drinks industry.

For more information on Global Brands’ sustainability initiatives, please visit:

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Global Brands Ltd supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Two men in high visibility jackets stood in front of wall with sustainability statistics written on.

Josh Marsh

Destination Chesterfield Coordinator (Investment and Marketing)

Email Josh
Global Brands drinks factory - bottles on production line being handled by male in high visibility clothing

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