Chesterfield News

£13 million to help jobseekers and boost economy

A £13 million funding package to help the long term-unemployed, young workers, those looking to progress in their career and to boost the economy is now available, via the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership. D2N2 is the private sector-led partnership which promotes economic growth and jobs creation across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

The substantial funding is available through four programmes; which project organisers can bid for to tackle a range of issues relating to business growth by providing training and skills, helping the long term unemployed to find work, and aiding young people termed NEETs (not in education, employment or training).

The programmes that are being funded include:

  • EMPLOY Local that will focus on help those unemployed for a long period of time; by helping them access additional support and gain basic work skills, to assist them in competing for jobs.
  • CAREERS Local which looks at helping young people aged 15 to 25 – particularly those termed as NEETs, or who are at risk of becoming NEET – to participate in the jobs market and in further learning. This is done providing them with information, and giving advice and guidance to increase the number of young people in employment, education and training.
  • The Youth Engagement Initiative that is about increasing employed people’s skills levels to help them progression their careers, and increase the number of people with technical and job specific skills. It will also address the basic skills needs of employed people – particularly in small and medium sized (SME) enterprises and micro-businesses – to help people go on to higher and advanced level apprenticeships, to support business growth.
  • SKILLS Local which will look to support business growth across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire by providing training and skills which will benefit the existing workforce.

David Ralph, Chief Executive of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, said:-

“The aspiration is to support D2N2’s employment and growth needs, and have in place an easily accessible system, from which employers and individuals can all benefit.”

Organisations have to be on the national Skills Funding Agency’s ‘Register of Training Organisations’ to apply. They can view further details about these funding opportunities and complete a funding application online, on the SFA e-Tendering portal at

Free information sessions for organisations interested in bidding and delivering programmes’ projects, will be held next week, click here for more information.





Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom

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