Chesterfield News

JE James Manager Takes on Derbyshire Times Flagg Challenge

Big-hearted cycling firm JE James is leading by example as preparations get under way for the Derbyshire Times Flagg Challenge for Ashgate Hospice.

Manager Dean Poole, based on Brimington Road North, has pledged to tackle the Peak District himself now the cycle shop has stepped in for the second time to support the event.

Dean said: “The hospice does a fantastic job and we want to be able to help raise as much money as possible by supporting this charity ride.”

The 44-year-old former Sunday league footballer is doing the ride despite suffering with a cruciate ligament injury in his left knee and cartlidge damage in his right knee.

He added: “It’s all about the challenge and being able to achieve something for the hospice so we’re encouraging as many of our customers as possible to get on board.”

The fourth Flagg Challenge sets off from the hospice from 9am on July 26 and goes out as far as Flagg and back again via Chatsworth and promises to be bigger and better.

Entrants have a choice of a 50 or 25 mile marshalled route and they receive maps, a guide, and a training programme. Everyone participating will be armed with fundraising tips and raffle tickets and a range of interactive web and social media updates. There will also be fundraiser prizes.

Early-bird £20 entry form availability will be announced very shortly. For details contact Jon Cooper on 01246 504524, or the hospice’s Charlotte Gratton on 01246 567250 and

Tara Underhill

Senior Destination Chesterfield Coordinator

Email Tara

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