Chesterfield News

Free advice to encourage digital growth

Two exciting digital support programmes are being rolled out by East Midlands Chamber.

The D2N2 Digital Growth Programme and the LLEP Digital Growth Programme will offer bespoke and structured digital business support and advice across the whole of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire.

Diane Simpson, the Chamber’s Deputy Chief Executive, said:-

“Knowing the true value of digital technology and understanding what is right for your business can be a daunting challenge, making it all too easy to miss out on opportunities for improvement.

“The two programmes we’re delivering seek to encourage enterprises with growth aspirations to explore and introduce new and emerging ICT products to improve their competitiveness and productivity.”

Over the next two years the programmes will together deliver 580 action-planning workshops, annual digital conferences, dedicated digital business advice, workforce development skills advice and a technology grant scheme worth £3.8m – to be 60% matched by participating SMEs.

The programmes, which are open to businesses, charities and other organisations, will engage with at least 3,662 enterprises through dedicated marketing and activities, resulting in 1,534 enterprises receiving intensive support, the creation of 170 new businesses and 1,278 SMEs introducing new digital processes.

Both programmes will be delivered through the Chamber’s dedicated and specialist eBusiness Club team.

The D2N2 programme is part-funded by East Midlands Chamber, Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottingham City Council, The Creative Quarter Company, Rushcliffe Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Derby City Council and the European Regional Development Fund.

Businesses attending the free launches will learn about the participation criteria and hear from specially appointed advisers before being given an opportunity to register for the programme and the available technology grants.

The programme will be launching in Chesterfield on 23rd March at the Proact Stadium.

The launch events provide delegates with opportunities to:

  • discover how businesses can benefit from this new and exciting opportunity
  • officially register with the programme (demand is already proving to be high)
  • secure a place on future strategic action-planning workshops
  • register an interest in applying for technology grant funding
  • meet with a dedicated Digital Business Adviser to discuss business needs or technology investment in more detail.



Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom