Chesterfield News

Coffee morning for asbestos sufferers proves a success

Chesterfield based UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) hosted a Coffee Morning for the Derbyshire Asbestos Support Team (DAST) earlier this month in support of victims of mesothelioma and family members bereaved as a result of the asbestos related disease. The event this year proved a great success, not least due to the involvement of art therapist Yana Ng.

DAST host several coffee mornings every year, giving those living with mesothelioma the opportunity to get together and meet others in the same situation. On this occasion, attendees were able to take part in a practical workshop which allowed attendees to express feelings and emotions through art.

Victoria Castelluccio, Marketing Officer at UKATA, said :-

“UKATA is proud to support DAST and the valuable work they do.

“While we regularly support these Coffee Mornings, Yana’s input as an art psychotherapist resulted in a successful workshop and appreciated by all. UKATA continues to campaign on the importance of asbestos awareness training and helping charities like DAST remains important to us. They do so much for the victims of mesothelioma and their families, forced to live with the impact and aftermath of this terrible condition.”

Speakers and medical professionals regularly attend the DAST Coffee Mornings to answer people’s questions in an informal setting and this time it was the turn of art psychotherapist Yana Ng from the University of Derby, who uses her skills to positively impact the mental health of those taking part.

DAST supports anyone diagnosed with an asbestos related disease with their unique support services. The charity helps with benefits uptake, government compensation schemes and advice on making a civil compensation claim. DAST have resources to help those with respiratory diseases manage their condition and live the fullest lives possible and act as a support group by arranging meetings and coffee mornings like the ones held at UKATA.

Victoria added:-

“DAST Coffee Mornings allow UKATA to do what we can for those living with asbestos related illness.

“These events are a reminder of how important our national training campaigns are but we can never lose sight of the people living with the impact of asbestos related illness today.”


Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom