Chesterfield News

Have your say on skills shortages to help shape skills training budgets going forward

As employers everywhere worry about finding skilled staff, a ground-breaking initiative by the Sheffield City Region (SCR) is being launched to find out exactly what business needs.

In one of the most in-depth surveys into skills gaps and hard-to-fill vacancies, hundreds of business leaders across the region’s key industrial sectors are being approached to complete a brief survey. It will take less than 5 minutes to provide the details the region needs to provide the right skills, and help employers to fill jobs. Anyone else in business who is interested is encouraged to complete the survey at

The survey will be open to business leaders from the construction, manufacturing, business, professional, financial and digital sectors.  Running alongside it will be a series of round table discussions throughout the region with key influencers and decision makers.

The findings, which will be known by September, will allow the SCR to make well-informed decisions about adult education and skills training to help boost growth and jobs across the economy.

Nigel Brewster, Vice Chair of the SCR’s Local Enterprise Partnership, said:-

“We know we in the Sheffield City Region, along with many areas of the UK, face a skills shortage. Here in this region we are already tackling those issues. We also provide funding for business training which can be designed by the employer.

“However, we need much more detailed information from employers so that we can really provide first class access to skills training. We want to know if there is a link between certain missing skills – perhaps technical and social skills for example.

“We just need a few minutes of employers’ time to fill in the survey – job hunters and unsuccessful applicants are also being asked what holds them back.”




Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom