Chesterfield News

Singers from Chesterfield’s twin town are set to hit the high notes when they perform at the Crooked Spire

The Darmstaedter Kantorei – Darmstadt’s leading choir – are performing at Chesterfield Parish Church on Friday 16th June as part of their forthcoming visit to the UK.

The Sacred Music of Europe concert will be performed by the Darmstaedter Kantorei is directed by Christian Ross and accompanied by organist Misty Schaffert.

The choir has a formidable reputation as one of the best ensembles in the Frankfurt area and is known for its musical versatility which has been showcased across Europe. The choir’s programme for Chesterfield is to include music by Mendelssohn, Britten, Howells and Pärt.

The relationship with Chesterfields twin town Darmstadt goes back to 1959 when a twinning agreement was signed. Twinning links were forged in the decades after the war to foster contacts between ordinary people, so that the friendships formed would make a future European war unthinkable. Many Cestrefeldians have visited Darmstadt over the years and links between the two towns remain very important.

The Darmstaedter Kantorei is directed by Christian Ross and accompanied by organist Misty Schaffert.

The concert on Friday 16th June starts at 7pm. Entry is free, with a retiring collection taking place to support Chesterfield Parish Church. All are welcome.

chesterfields twin town

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom
Chesterfields twin town