Chesterfield News

Chesterfield Champion celebrate 15 years

This year Chesterfield Champions, Helen’s Trust, celebrate 15 years of supporting people with a terminal illness to remain in their own homes at the end of their lives.

They recently held an afternoon tea celebration for all their supporters, to say thank you for their commitment and hard work over the years.  The event was funded by The Big Lottery Celebrate England Fund and was held at County Hall in Matlock.

Zoe Woodward, Fundraising and Business Manager at Helen’s Trust, said:-

“It was fantastic to be able to thank all of our supporters in this way.  Helen’s Trust is mainly funded by voluntary donations and we ensure these funds are used directly to provide much needed care.  To receive funds from The Big Lottery specifically to throw a party for everyone who has helped the charity over the years was a real treat”

Helen’s Trust seeks to remove the barriers that prevent people with a terminal illness remaining at home if they wish to do so, they are able to provide help to anyone, with any terminal illness free of charge.

Dr Louise Jordan, Helen’s Trust Chair of Trustees and founding member, said:-

“We are passionate about ensuring that people with a terminal illness who wish to remain in their own home are able to do so.  Helen’s Trust are incredibly creative in finding solutions which suit the individual and their needs. We offer respite care in the home, night sits to enable the main carer to get a good nights sleep, equipment and whatever it takes to honour the dignity and wishes of those with a terminal illness.  We wouldn’t be able to do this without the support or our fantastic volunteers, businesses, fundraisers and donors.”



Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom