Chesterfield News

Festival time at Tapton Lock

Join in the annual celebration of the Chesterfield Canal at Tapton Lock visitor centre this weekend.

On Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 September between 11am and 4pm there will be arts, crafts, live music and outdoor activities with the chance to have a go on a climbing wall or try canoeing.

Chesterfield based Junction Arts will be running art workshops, putting on children’s entertainment and holding poetry readings. Entry to the festival is free but there will be charges for some activities.

At festival time and throughout the year there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy the county’s historic canals and surrounding countryside.

The ‘John Varley’ launches from Tapton Lock Visitor Centre in Chesterfield on Sundays through to October and there are also special events including Santa Specials in November and December. The ‘Madeline’ operates from nearby Hollingwood Hub and will also be offering Santa Specials on-the-water boat trips.

Councillor Trevor Ainsworth, Cabinet Support Member for Highways, Transport and Infrastructure at Derbyshrie County Council, said:-

“Our canals are very special. They have a rich industrial heritage and a new role now as places for leisure and education.

“Bands of volunteers do a great job working with us to help restore the canals and operate boat trips.

“I would encourage locals and visitors to discover some of what goes on − boat trips, canoeing, fishing, festivals and much more”.

Tapton Lock


Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom
Tapton Lock