Chesterfield News

Chamber delivers ‘importance of exporting’ message in new videos

The East Midlands Chamber’s Head of International Trade, Laura Howard, has appeared in videos designed to encourage exporting.

They were shot by David James, a specialist in business and strategic communications and producer of the UK Export Advice podcast, with the support of East Midlands Airport.

In each of the videos, Laura talks about the help the Chamber can give to companies looking to increase sales by moving into overseas markets.

The videos were filmed to coincide with the airport’s announcement of record-breaking quantities of freight handling in the year ending March 2018.

In the previous 12 months the airport, Britain’s busiest for dedicated freight handling, saw almost £10bn worth of non-EU goods pass through it and in total 358,477 tonnes of cargo were exported or imported through the airport – 9.7% higher than the previous year.

Laura appears alongside Sir John Peace – Chairman at Midlands Engine, Ian Harrison – Director of Exports at the Department for International Trade, Adriaan Vickery – Chair of the Board of Directors at the East Midlands International Trade Association and Howard Ebison – Commercial Director at East Midlands Airport.

Also featured in the videos are Dr Nik Kotecha, Chief Executive at Morningside Pharmaceuticals and Chair of the Chamber’s Brexit Business Advisory Group, and Ximena Shelton, Director at Shelton’s Coffee. Both businesses are Chamber members and exporters.

One of the points Laura makes in the videos is that the Chamber is a vast “network of businesses, many of which have already gone down the export route and are more than willing to share, peer to peer, their knowledge and experience of the export journey”.

Laura said: “Britain is currently a net importer of materials, goods and services. It would significantly help our balance of payments if we could become a net exporter and there are huge opportunities on the global stage for those willing to take the first step and explore overseas markets.

“If you have a product or service to sell, why restrict yourself to small domestic markets when there is so much help available to steer you through your exporting journey.”

To see the videos, visit here for advice on how to get exporting, here for the Morningside Pharmaceuticals and Shelton Coffee case studies and here for East Midlands Airport’s freight handling story.

chamber video export

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

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