Chesterfield News

Virtual careers fair launched for Chesterfield and North Derbyshire school leavers

An innovative online careers and employability platform, which is believed to be the first of its kind in the UK, has been launched today (20 August).

The launch has been timed to coincide with the release of the GCSE exam results, and whatever the outcomes, this platform is aimed at helping school leavers in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire make important decisions about their future amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.

Developed by Chesterfield Borough Council, in partnership with Destination Chesterfield and the D2N2 North Derbyshire Careers Hub, the My Future platform aims to provide free careers information to Year 11 and 13 young people.

The virtual careers fair platform aims to give young people across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire access to the widest range of high-quality careers advice, employment support, skills and educational programmes, by showcasing up to 100 businesses, education and training providers across 10 zones.

Using innovative 360expo software, the My Future platform has been developed in partnership with Chesterfield-based Oasis Studio. It has been created in just a few weeks in order to provide support for young people facing uncertainty in their future as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ahead of the launch, the D2N2 North Derbyshire Careers Hub has worked with careers leaders from 21 schools and colleges across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire, to reach out to all Year 11 and Year 13 school leavers encouraging them to access the My Future platform.

To encourage young people to visit the platform, the North Derbyshire Careers Hub is also giving away an iPad to one of the first visitors to the site who finds the golden spire which will be hidden within one of the virtual stands.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “Whether you’re finishing GCSEs, A-Levels or college courses, what you have achieved this year is remarkable, especially given the extra challenges you have faced due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. Whatever your results are, you should be especially proud of yourself.”

“Now is the time to start thinking about the future and what that next step is, and the My Futures platform is the perfect way to get started.”

“My Future has led to a truly innovative digital platform that provides access to a wide range of careers advice, employment support, apprenticeships, skills and training programmes, all under one virtual roof. I hope that My Future will help young people to build the career and future that they want, so that we can continue to build a thriving borough together.”

James Brand, D2N2 LEP board member and Managing Director of United Cast Bar, a Chesterfield-based business which is featured in the engineering and manufacturing zone on the platform, said: “My Future is a fantastic platform which we were delighted to get involved with. It’s a great opportunity for businesses to reach out to young people during these challenging times. The platform will offer real support and guidance to school leavers who have been unable to access the careers information they would normally have had to help them make informed decisions about their future.”

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager explained: “Everyone has worked tremendously hard to get the platform up and running. We have been overwhelmed by the support and involvement of businesses and training providers to make My Future happen and support local school leavers during this challenging time.”

D2N2 North Derbyshire Careers Hub Lead Dan Heffernan said: “In these challenging times, it’s more important than ever to ensure our young people are given high quality and relevant transitions support.  My Future will ensure that we continue to inspire our future workforce, give them advice on their future career prospects, and showcase the types of next steps that are available.

“On behalf of D2N2 LEP I want to thank all of the organisations that have contributed to this project so far, all of whom are helping to transform the skills and employability agenda across North Derbyshire.”

There are around 100 virtual exhibition pods active on the platform across 10 zones, including careers and transition, regeneration, enterprise and employment support, digital and technology, engineering and manufacturing, financial and professional services, health, community and public service, property and construction, logistics and distribution and tourism, hospitality and retail.

Young people can take control of their future by visiting My Future and learning about the many opportunities available to them at from Thursday 20 August. The mobile app can also be downloaded here.

My Future Virtual Careers Platform

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom
My Future Virtual Careers Platform

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