Chesterfield News

Council leaders set to gather for milestone meeting

Council leaders from across the county will gather for the first meeting of the Vision Derbyshire Joint Committee – a milestone for the partnership which will enable local authorities to work more closely on key issues affecting local people.

Hosted by Chesterfield Borough Council, the meeting will take place on Monday 4 April and will lay the foundations for the formal governance arrangements and programme of work for the partnership.

It is a key step forward for Vision Derbyshire, which is a collaboration of local authorities across Derbyshire and is designed to deliver priority projects which have a positive impact on people’s lives and achieve greater council efficiency.

The main aims of the Vision Derbyshire Joint Committee are to:

  • Provide collective leadership for Derbyshire
  • Progress shared ambitions for the area
  • Work together to tackle the issues and challenges outlined in the case for change
  • Enable agile, timely and effective decision making

The meeting will also consider the Vision Derbyshire Climate Change Strategy (2022-2025) which sets out what needs to be done to reduce emissions across the county to net zero by 2050, or sooner, and how Derbyshire’s councils will work to achieve this.

There will also be discussion around the recently announced County Deal and the submission of a devolution proposal to Government last week, after Derbyshire and Derby was one of nine areas put forward to receive extra investment and local powers as part of the Government’s levelling up plans.

The location of the meetings will be rotated between the member authorities.  They will be open to the public and meeting agendas, reports and minutes will be available to view, in line with usual local government processes which ensure open and transparent decision making.  Papers are available to access at

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

Email Dom
Chesterfield Town Hall

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