Chesterfield events

Forthcoming Events

Recruiting Talent in North Derbyshire


Businesses in North Derbyshire can learn how to improve their chances of recruiting the right people at the Recruiting Talent in North Derbyshire event taking place at Chesterfield College.

The D2N2 Recruiting Talent series, which has held events in Derby city and Nottinghamshire since 2019, is expanding into a new area for organisations in Chesterfield, Bolsover and North East Derbyshire.

It will help employers to understand the current landscape around employment and skills in North Derbyshire with a keynote address, act as a catalyst for positive change to help firms adapt to better prepare for their future recruitment needs, showcase the benefits of inclusive recruitment with case studies, and adapt recruitment practices to encourage more local people to work for their business.

The series brings together local businesses and experts, with partners including the Chamber, D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, Building Better Opportunities stakeholder managers, local authorities and employment support agencies.

If you are an employer in North Derbyshire, come along to share good practice and find out more. Register your place here.

North Derbyshire Recruiting Talent Event



  • Chesterfield College, Infirmary Road, Chesterfield, S41 7NG


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