Chesterfield News

Staveley Residents invited to learn about local community groups and services

People living in the Staveley area are being invited to attend an event where they can find out more about community groups and services they can access.

The Great Chesterfield Get2Gether is a free event being held at the Speedwell Rooms in Staveley on Wednesday 28 September from 3pm to 6pm. It follows on from similar events held in the Winding Wheel and Loundsley Green earlier this year.

At the event there will be more than 40 stalls showcasing the excellent groups and services in Staveley, allowing residents to find out about what is on in the local area, join new groups and make new friends.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “One of our key priorities as a council is to improve the quality of life for local people. Our last event helped showcase the fantastic range of community groups and services that are available to our residents It’s great that we are able to bring this event to Staveley and make sure everyone can learn more about local opportunities.

“I hope lots of people will come along because you’ll be able meet new people and find out important information about the activities and services available in our community.”

For more information on these events, or if you run a local group and would like a stall at the Great Chesterfield Get 2gether – Staveley, please contact Wendy Blunt, Chesterfield Borough Council’s health and wellbeing officer on 01246  959657 or email

The Great Chesterfield Get 2gether is organised through the Chesterfield Health and Wellbeing partnership.


Josh Marsh

Destination Chesterfield Coordinator (Investment and Marketing)

Email Josh