Chesterfield News

Blue plaque unveiled to mark Chesterfield as the home of walking football

A blue plaque has been unveiled outside the HUB at the SMH Group Stadium, to mark Chesterfield as the birthplace of walking football.

The event was attended by Chesterfield FC Community Trust representatives, local walking football players and senior officials from walking football bodies.

John Croot, CEO of Chesterfield FC/Chesterfield FC Community Trust, was part of the Trust team who devised walking football, along with Andy Morris, Adam Norman and others.

John said: “It’s a real privilege and it’s great for the people who have been involved in it from the very early sessions. We heard from people who were coaching at the first sessions, along with those who were playing and watching.

“Part of having this plaque here recognises the role that the Trust, myself and others have all put in since they were playing two-a-side at Queen’s Park Sports Centre!

“It’s helping people get into a healthy lifestyle and it’s as much about what doesn’t happen on the pitch in that, they (walking football players) go and do other activities and get to know each other.

“It’s quite humbling, really, when you get phone calls from the US that they play walking basketball and other walking sports.

“To think that it all started here at Chesterfield all those years ago, it’s quite humbling.”

Image taken by Tina Jenner Photography

Alan Rose, president of the International Walking Football Federation who recently held their World Championships at the SMH Group Stadium, attended the unveiling.

He expressed delight at the growth of the sport and urged others to get involved in walking football, saying: “Don’t think about it – get down and do it and enjoy it.”

Walking football was devised in 2010 for an ‘Extra Time’ project delivered by Chesterfield FC Community Trust, aimed at encouraging people aged 55 and over to be more active and develop friendship groups.

To find out more about the Senior Spireites Walking Football Club, please visit

For information on the Spirettes Women’s Walking Football Club, please contact Alyss Jackson:

Chesterfield Football Club supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 200 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Men in smart clothing stood in front of blue plaque

Image taken by Tina Jenner Photography


Josh Marsh

Destination Chesterfield Coordinator (Investment and Marketing)

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