Chesterfield News

Show Racism the Red Card event coming to the Proact Stadium

The Spireites will be hosting a Show Racism the Red Card (SRtRC) event on Tuesday, December 8 at the Proact Stadium to teach young people about the dangers of racism.

The event, which runs from 9.30am to 3pm, will feature Chesterfield players and other special guests on a Q & A panel.

Pupils from a number of local schools will take part in an SRtRC workshop, ground tours and a workshop run by Global Education. They will also see a screening of the SRtRC film and have the chance to pose questions to the panel.

Ged Grebby, chief executive of SRtRC, said: “We a very grateful to Chesterfield Football Club for their support of the campaign. The team are looking forward to their trip to the Proact Stadium and to be working with the team from Chesterfield Community Trust who we know are doing some really important work in the area.”

The educational event at football club allows young people to experience a first-hand interaction with anti-racism role models in the form of professional footballers and spend time thinking critically about this important issue.

Michael Noon, the Community Trust’s sport & activity officer, said: “We are delighted to be able to support Show Racism the Red Card by hosting an event in Chesterfield. They do a lot of good work tackling racism around the UK and it’s a pleasure for us to be involved.

“By joining forces with Show Racism the Red Card to deliver a day’s workshop for local primary school children, we’re hoping it will provide awareness of the effects of racism for the next generation of Spireites and ensure the Proact Stadium remains a great place for everyone to watch football.”

During the 2014/15 season, the campaign held 33 events in England, attended by 67 current professional footballers and managers and educating 3,088 young people.

Chesterfield Football Club

Dom Stevens

Destination Chesterfield Manager

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Chesterfield Football Club, Proact Stadium