Chesterfield News

Funding boost for Brampton Primary

Brampton Primary School in Chesterfield is set to receive a share of £220,000 to help improve the quality of its toilet facilities.

Approved by Derbyshire County Council, the funding pot is designated for twelve schools across the county as part of an initiative to help modernise buildings and improve access for disabled children.

Derbyshire County Council’s Deputy cabinet member for children’s services Councillor Caitlin Bisknell said:

“Making sure children in Derbyshire get the most out of education is one of our key priorities − and that means doing what we can, within a tight budget, to make sure our schools are accessible to all.

“By offering schools this money, children will be able to learn in improved conditions. And although our budget is very tight, we are prioritising where we spend taxpayers’ cash so we can make the biggest difference.”6220112884_eefb41d11e_b


Tara Underhill

Senior Destination Chesterfield Coordinator

Email Tara
primary places