Hiring an Apprentice

Apprentice Providers in Chesterfield

Apprentice Providers in Chesterfield

Apprentice training providers work with local employers and apprentices to deliver beneficial training and support to develop their skills and work experience.

Apprentice Providers based in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire:

The Apprenticeship Providers below are based in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire and can support you to develop your workforce through apprenticeship training and development.

The Apprentice Team

Chesterfield College

DBC Training

The University of Derby

Juniper Training


Ascento Training

Construction Skills People

Essential Site Skills 

Futures for Business


One to One Support Services

Buxton and Leek College extend their training and support to Chesterfield based businesses.

Other organisations that offer support in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire:

The organisations listed below offer other training and support to businesses in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Derbyshire Adult Community Education Services

NLT Training

East Midlands Chamber of Commerce


North East Derbyshire District Council

D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)

The Derbyshire Network

D2N2 North Derbyshire Careers Hub

D2N2 Growth Hub / Skills Access Hub

National Careers Service (Futures)

YMCA Key College

Made in Chesterfield United Cast Bar Tour

What is Made in Chesterfield?

Made in Chesterfield celebrates the manufacturing and engineering industries in our town. Local schools & businesses come together to showcase the sectors.

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Business Support

Business Support

Chesterfield is a great place to grow your business and there are a number of organisations that offer business support and advice on local tendering opportunities, skills and funding opportunities.

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Resources and Information

Resources and Information

There are a number of resources available to provide information on how to hire an apprentice in Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire.

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