Author: Dom Stevens

Eleventh Hour Gin to support the Royal British Legion produced by Derbyshire Distillery

The directors at Chesterfield-based Derbyshire Distillery are delighted to announce a corporate partnership with The Royal British Legion to produce Eleventh Hour Gin. £3 from the sale of each bottle of the new gin will go directly to the charity.

The label has been designed in association with acclaimed British fashion designer, Nigel Cabourn — famous for his menswear collections that are influenced by military dress and vintage clothing.

The concept for the new gin was the brainchild of ex-serviceman, Richard Aspinall, sales manager at Derbyshire Distillery, who wanted to do something with the company to help support the work of this charity.

Having served in the British Army for five years, Richard has had first hand experience of The Royal British Legion and how they support ex-service personnel and their families: “I have lost good friends and have seen how some injuries can change the life of those that served alongside me.

“The Royal British Legion is always there for the Armed Forces community and I was keen to do something to help, especially this year where every donation and every poppy really does count. As an employee of a gin distillery the idea just came to me: why not create a new gin that would help to raise funds for this worthy cause? Gin remains very popular, so I just put the two together.”

Commenting on the new concept, Phil Meakin, a founding director at the distillery, said: “The Royal British Legion has been very supportive of the new gin from the outset. During the last few months we have been refining the gin, developing the brand and sourcing bottles, and we’re now ready to launch the gin.

“It is such a worthy cause and we’re delighted that Richard took the initiative to develop the idea that will help to support the charity that he will be a part of for the rest of his life.”

The Eleventh Hour Gin is a traditional dry gin distilled with a unique blend of botanicals, including juniper, coriander, angelica, orris root, cassia, ginger, sour cherry, lemon and poppy seeds.

Every bottle purchased will contribute to supporting those from the Armed Forces community past and present, aiding The Royal British Legion to make a difference and enabling people to show their support in 2020.

Derbyshire Distillery supports the marketing and economic growth of the town through Chesterfield Champions, a network of over 180 organisations across Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Photos: Simon Turton


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Derbyshire’s Test and Trace making positive connections

Derbyshire’s public health team is hitting the phones to protect residents in the fight against coronavirus.

By following up on the work of the national NHS Test and Trace programme, the team can build up a detailed picture of what is happening across the county.

Residents who are contacted will be asked more in-depth questions about their movements and who they’ve been in contact with and it’s important everyone gives all the correct information to protect their friends and loved ones.

This vital work will help Derbyshire County Council’s public health team, together with district and borough councils, build up a comprehensive picture of where transmissions are happening across Derbyshire.

And it means they can make important links between cases allowing them to respond more quickly to local outbreaks and put effective measures in place – possibly avoiding the need for a local lockdown.

Derbyshire’s Director of Public Health Dean Wallace said:

“It is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

“Although these residents will already have been contacted by the national Test and Trace programme our work in Derbyshire is helping is to create a more detailed picture of what’s happening locally.

“This all means that we will be able to respond more quickly and efficiently when we see a pattern of outbreaks occurring.

“By responding earlier to identified outbreaks, it could avoid the need for any extra lockdown restrictions in a particular area. So I’d urge anyone who is contacted by members of my team to do the right thing and give all the correct information.

“It is important to remember that this virus hasn’t gone away. We all want to get back to doing the things we love and by working together we can do that more quickly.”

People are urged to continue to follow the guidelines to prevent the spread of coronavirus by:

  • washing their hands regularly
  • staying 2m apart
  • wearing a face covering when required, unless exempt
  • keeping social gatherings to no more than 6 people – including children – both indoors and outdoors

If anyone develops any of the main symptoms – a new, continuous cough, high temperature or change or loss to your sense of smell or taste – they should immediately self-isolate for 10 days.

They should book a free test online or by calling NHS 119 and continue to self-isolate until they get their results.

People who test positive will be contacted by the NHS Test and Trace team by email, text or phone and any close contacts will be asked to self-isolate for 14 days.

Under new laws, it is an offence to knowingly provide false information about close contacts to NHS Test and Trace.

Like the national test and trace programme, public health staff will never ask for payment or bank details.

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Chesterfield secures funding to deliver Green Homes

Chesterfield Borough Council has secured £500,000 of funding to enable energy efficiency improvements for local residents.

The funding comes from the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery scheme and will allow the council to support owner occupiers and landlords whose homes have a low rating in terms of energy efficiency.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Deputy Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “This funding will help tackle the ongoing issue of fuel poverty in Chesterfield while also ensuring that the we can meet our objective of creating a carbon neutral Borough by 2050. In Chesterfield almost 60% of annual greenhouse gas emissions are from buildings, by ensuring buildings are more energy efficient this will lead to a significant reduction in emissions. To help tackle the emissions from homes we will work with homeowners and landlords to deliver this funding where it is most needed.

“I want to remind residents who are homeowners and landlords that they can also now apply for the Green Homes Grant directly from the government, which can be used to support a wide variety of energy efficiency improvements. However, the timescales are very tight, so it is crucial that they apply for this funding as soon as possible.”

Chesterfield Borough Council will use its funding to enable improvements to homes that currently have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E or below but the national scheme is open to homes with higher ratings.

The funding covers a wide range of retrofit measures including insulation, double or triple glazing, new thermal efficient doors and the installation of heat pumps or other low carbon heating solutions.

If you are a private tenant, please speak with your landlord about improvements that can be made and highlight how they can apply for funding to help improve the energy efficiency of the home you rent.

Chesterfield Borough Council will release more details about how homeowners and landlords can access funding from the council to improve energy efficiency in the next few weeks. Details will be released on the council’s website and social media channels.

Find out more about the Green Home Grant and if your property is eligible by visiting:

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Town leaders secure £500,000 cash boost for Staveley community projects

Residents in Staveley are set to benefit from a range of community improvements after town leaders secured £500,000 as part of wider plans to regenerate the area.

A new state-of-the-art all-weather sports pitch at Springwell Community College, new play equipment for King George V Playing Field and new CCTV equipment for the town centre are among the projects which will benefit from a cash boost.

The proposal to the government’s Accelerator Fund was submitted by Chesterfield Borough Council on behalf of the Staveley Town Deal Board.

This initial money will be used to kick-start improvements ahead of the Board’s submission of the Staveley Town Investment Plan, which is currently being finalised ahead of submission to the government’s Towns Fund. The Plan aims to secure up to £25m to help build a stronger economy for the area.

Ivan Fomin, Chair of the Staveley Town Deal Board, Destination Chesterfield board member and managing director of local business MSE Hiller, said: “This initial slug of government funding is great news for the area and signals the start of positive change for Staveley.

“These projects align with the Board’s long-term regeneration plans for Staveley, which we will shortly be setting out for government as part of our ambitious Town Investment Plan.

“Our collective aim is to create new jobs for local people and a stronger and more resilient local economy.”

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of Chesterfield Borough Council and Vice Chair, said: “Being able to invest in grassroots facilities and projects like these now means we can bring real and immediate improvements that will benefit local people.

“These are positive investments in key facilities which support people’s health and well-being at a time when Staveley, like so many towns up and down the country, is struggling to weather the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. It’s about doing all we can to help our communities build back stronger for the future.”

The projects which will receive funding are:

  • George V Playing Field – to provide play spaces and outdoor gym equipment
  • Springwell Community College – installation of a 3G all-weather sports pitch
  • Staveley Miners Welfare Football Club – to provide drainage for three pitches as part of the Club’s wider pitch redevelopment project
  • Staveley town centre – to upgrade CCTV equipment in the area
  • Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle (DRIIVe) project – to support site development for a new rail training and innovation centre at Barrow Hill Roundhouse

The Staveley Town Deal Board has been established to oversee the development and implementation of a long-term Town Investment Plan for the Staveley area.

It is made up of elected members and senior officers from Chesterfield Borough Council, Staveley Town Council and Derbyshire County Council, both local members of parliament, representatives from local charitable organisations, Derbyshire Police, education leaders and representatives of the local business community.

Staveley Hall

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Long-term Covid-19 recovery plan agreed to help Chesterfield communities overcome the impact of coronavirus

Tackling social isolation and supporting young people to overcome the impact of the pandemic are among the top priorities set out in a new long-term recovery plan by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Continuing to work closely with partners and the voluntary and community sector, and ensuring the borough takes the opportunity to promote a ‘green’ recovery, are also at the heart of the Covid-19 Strategic and Community Recovery approach.

The plan, which was adopted on 29 September, builds on the work already set out in the council’s Economic Recovery Plan, which was approved in July.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “While the threat of coronavirus remains very real and we continue to prioritise our response to local need, it’s important that we look at how we move forward as a borough.

“Our community has shown such solidarity and resolve over recent months – standing side-by-side to support and protect the most vulnerable.

“The council will continue to build and support resilient communities and embrace the sense of community that people have demonstrated during this very difficult period.”

Dedicated work programmes will be developed in support of the new priorities, and an initial £30,000 Community Wellbeing Fund has been approved to help support this work.

Tackling social isolation, which many people have experienced during the pandemic – especially those who have limited access to technology – is a key focus and the council will now look at how it further supports projects and initiatives which promote social connectedness.

Supporting young people to build their skills and boost their job prospects despite the current challenges is also a top priority. The council will look to build on projects such as the recently-launched My Future platform – an innovative online careers and employability platform, believed to be the first of its kind in the UK.

Underlying all of this work is a commitment to a ‘green’ recovery and carbon reduction as part of the council’s climate change pledge.

Councillor Mannion-Brunt added: “Although these last few months have undoubtedly brought huge hardship and challenge to our communities, there are positives that we can build upon and opportunities to make sure key commitments – like tackling climate change – are an integral part of our recovery plans.”

It follows the recent announcement that up to £15,000 of neighbourhood funding is now open for applications through the Community Infrastructure Levy. Local charities and community groups in Chesterfield can bid for the cash to help support local community initiatives.

For more information about the neighbourhood funding, contact Wendy Blunt, Health and Wellbeing Officer, or 01246 959657.

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DBCP makes a trio of appointments to meet industry demand

The demand for increased space in homes together with the ongoing tightening of building regulations, has triggered a trio of new appointments at Derbyshire Building Control Partnership (DBCP).

The company, which is a Local Authority approved representative of building control standards in Derbyshire, has appointed two new building control surveyors and a new member of its office based technical-support team.

Together they will help DBCP meet increased demand from both residential and commercial sectors across Derbyshire.

Lee Carl and Sarah Purvey have joined DBCP as Building Control Surveyors. They bring 30 years of combined building control experience to their new roles. Bev Glasgow has joined DBCP’s technical support team.

Sarah, who has made the move from North West Leicestershire Council, will be covering south east Derbyshire building control applications in the Ripley, Oakwood, Somercotes and Belper areas. She has a passion for historic buildings and is looking forward to the varied case load.

She said: “I really enjoy building control, particularly the variety of buildings and projects that I visit. I am impressed with DBCPs facilities and procedures it has in place as they give me the ability to be highly responsive; particularly where dangerous structures are concerned DBCP’s responsiveness is second to none.”

Colleague Lee Carl returns to his old stomping ground having begun his career in building control with Bolsover Council in 2006. In his new role at DBCP he will be undertaking building control inspections across North Derbyshire.

Lee makes the move to DBCP from a Sheffield-based Approved Inspector business. He said: “Local authority building control is integral to the future of building control standards which are becoming more rigorous as we move to a safer built environment. I am delighted to join DBCP. It is an exciting time for the sector and DBCP is at the forefront of the evolving building control regulations.”

Primarily field-based, Sarah and Lee will be supported by DBCP’s office-based technical team which is joined by Bev Glasgow who makes the move from a construction skills apprentice training company.

Within her new role, Bev will be part of DBCP’s team which provides telephone assistance to customers, arranges building inspections and process online applications.

She said: “Having spent four years with my previous employer dealing with apprentices and trainees entering the construction industry, it is now great to see the other side of it. My previous experience has given me a wider understanding of the sector and the pressures that people working within it face on a daily basis.”

For expert building control advice and guidance, please get in touch with the DBCP team at or call 0333 880 2000

DBCP New Recruits

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Meet the winners of Chesterfield’s Still Blooming

The winners of Chesterfield’s Still Blooming, an online competition led by Chesterfield Borough Council to find the borough’s best sunflowers have been announced.

Chesterfield’s Still Blooming was launched in May in response to the cancellation of Britain in Bloom and the Chesterfield in Bloom competitions. It aimed to find tallest sunflower, biggest flower head and most sunflowers on one plant. The council received lots of great entries and can now announce the following winners who will all be receiving a small prize and certificate.

The tallest sunflower was grown by Thomas Bown (8) and Jack Bown (6), their sunflower reached a massive 11 feet and they got their dad David to pose with the enormous sunflower.

The most sunflower heads on a single plant was won by Ollie Walker (6) and Kyla Walker (3) who managed to get 26 flower heads on a single plant.

The biggest sunflower head was grown by Lina Rutkauskiene and the flowerhead had a diameter of 20 inches.

Councillor Jill Mannion-Brunt, cabinet member for health and wellbeing at Chesterfield Borough Council, said: “I want to thank everyone that took part in this great competition, we received loads of great entries. It was such a shame that the In Bloom judging was cancelled this year but if we can get as much support next year as we have for the online competitions, then I’m certain we will do very well.”

As well as receiving lots of great entries for the competition, there was also lots of positive feedback about the competition and families explaining how they have used the competition as one of their activities to keep busy during the lockdown.

In 2020 Chesterfield was due to take part in both the East Midlands in Bloom competition as well as the national competition, Britain in Bloom competition. However, these competitions were cancelled due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. This meant the annual Chesterfield in Bloom competition for residents also had to change.

As well as the Chesterfield’s Still Blooming competition the council also hosted a virtual flower festival on its website. The gallery for the festival is still available to view on the council’s website:

Chesterfield in Bloom

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Council leader is lobbying Government to return CrossCountry services

The Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council has written to the Minister of State for Rail about the ongoing reduction in CrossCountry services at Chesterfield Railway Station.

Councillor Tricia Gilby wrote the letter as CrossCountry services have still not been fully restored to Chesterfield Station. There is currently no indication that more services will stop at Chesterfield in the Christmas timetable revision and CrossCountry have continued to refuse to confirm when full services will be reinstated.

Councillor Gilby explained: “I am deeply concerned that the temporary changes made by CrossCountry will become permanent and this will have severe consequences for Chesterfield. Lots of people rely on CrossCountry services to get to work, as well as for leisure and tourism purposes. Whilst the return of peak travel services is important, the effect of cancelling off-peak services will continue to make it difficult for workers and visitors alike.

“We want to work with CrossCountry to find a solution that benefits the people of Chesterfield and is financially viable, but feel that we have reached somewhat of an impasse and require the Department for Transport to step in and help ensure these vital train services are returned to Chesterfield.

“Chesterfield Railway Station is one of the busiest in the East Midlands and arguably the most important railway station in Derbyshire. I recognise that the Covid-19 lockdown did reduce demand for rail travel but other operators including East Midlands Railway and Northern Trains have already reinstated services to Chesterfield at virtually pre-covid levels, whilst CrossCountry continues to try and do the opposite.”

Chesterfield Borough Council has continued to have a useful dialogue with CrossCountry and has recently shared evidence that shows the importance of these services to Chesterfield and the increase in demand that has resulted from schools, colleges and universities returning.

CrossCountry have also shared data with the council that they claim shows stopping at Chesterfield has a negative impact on their services at other stations on the line. However, the council along with industry experts have reviewed this evidence and believe that it shows the delays created are a result of issues around Dore junction as opposed to stops in Chesterfield.

The reduction of services at Chesterfield has been an ongoing issue. In June, Councillor Gilby wrote to the Department for Transport after CrossCountry announced they would be suspending all services at Chesterfield.

It took considerable lobbying against this proposal from the local HS2 Delivery Board, Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, local MPs, East Midlands Councils, Chambers of Commerce for the East Midlands and South Yorkshire, Sheffield City Region and Transport for the North, before CrossCountry reversed its decision and re-introduced three peak services at Chesterfield. It was not until September that CrossCountry decided to re-introduce off-peak services on a Saturday and Sunday.

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Fiver Fest comes to Clay Cross

To show the importance of supporting our high streets, Clay Cross businesses are joining over 100 Independent High Streets across the UK, to put on very special £5 offers across two weeks in October, in the Totally Locally Fiver Fest.

Fiver Fest is a free to join campaign, devised and run by Totally Locally, a grass roots High Street organisation that has been helping businesses and High Streets to help themselves since 2010.

This Fiver Fest, Totally Locally is partnering with Visa to encourage even more small business owners to sign up to this celebration of independent high streets. Together, they are also calling on consumers to divert £5 of their weekly spend to support the small businesses in their communities.

Gail Hannan, owner of Cup & Saucer who voluntarily coordinates the campaign in Clay Cross, said “Fiver Fest is now a big part of our promotions for Clay Cross,. The independent shops and businesses are what makes our town special and unique. We appreciate it when our community support us, so these offers are to say thank you for that support, and to show just what great value our local businesses are.”

“If every adult in Clay Cross spent just £5 per week in their local independent shops and businesses, it would mean £2.4 million per year going directly into our local economy. Which can lead to more jobs, a better high street, a stronger economy & a nicer place to live. Makes you think doesn’t it?!”

Fiver Fest has been running successfully in individual towns in the UK and abroad over the past 7 years, but in 2019 the team at Totally locally brought together towns across the country in on big Fiver Fest celebration. 43 towns joined in and he result was phenomenal with reports of new customers, people rediscovering shops they hadn’t been into in years and huge sales of £5 offers. Over then two consecutive Fiver Fests, the number of towns taking part has now reached over 100.

Fiver Fest takes place from the 10th – 24th October.  For further information about the Clay Cross event visit

Cup and Saucer

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D2N2 announces funding for wave of projects across the region

D2N2, the Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham, and Nottinghamshire, has confirmed funding for seven projects across the region as part of its role of supporting the economy in particular in response to the economic downturn brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.  This includes the Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield Project.

With over £5.75m awarded, the projects will create 462 jobs and support 3273 new learners across the whole of the D2N2 region including in places such as Chesterfield, Nottingham, Derby, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Newark, Ilkeston, and Eastwood.

Funding for each project comes from D2N2s Local Growth Fund allocation, a Government fund that enables D2N2 to invest in projects that benefit the local area and economy, supporting greater numbers of jobs, homes, and learners.

The range of funded projects emphasises the breadth and range of interventions D2N2 has supported in achieving its aim of stimulating the local economy.

They include investments in digital infrastructure, new technology, and supporting the region’s towns in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

At £2.2m, the state-of-the-art community and activity village in Newark operated by YMCA Newark & Sherwood has benefited from the largest award of the wave with funding being used to enable social mobility in a district ranked one of the worst in the country for social deprivation.

The other six projects to be awarded funding from D2N2s Local Growth Fund allocation are:

  • Improvements to Chesterfield’s outdoor market and surrounding public space, as part of a programme referred to as Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield, funded in part by £650,000 from D2N2
  • A new research facility at the University of Derby benefiting from £850,000 and focusing on the effect that foods, vitamins, supplements, and drugs have on the human body
  • The Smart Wireless Innovation Facility (SWIFt) at Nottingham Trent University which has received £800,000 to add 5G connectivity and infrastructure to the University’s Clifton campus
  • The Automation and Robotics Centre at West Nottinghamshire College which will provide investment in skills for the future to meet the changing demands of local businesses and will benefit from a £670,000 investment
  • The refurbishment of Toll Bar House in Ilkeston to create new office space by Erewash Borough Council with and investment of £425,000 from D2N2
  • The construction of commercial space for SMEs at Mushroom Farm in Eastwood by Broxtowe Borough Council, in which D2N2 has contributed £160,000.

D2N2 Deputy Chair David Williams said: “To overcome an economic downturn of the scale we’re now faced with requires a truly united approach so I’m proud to have worked with partners from across the region to bring these projects to fruition.”

“The projects we’ve funded will help us to not only respond to the needs of today but also to enable our communities to thrive tomorrow by investing in new industries, new skills, and new technology.”

chesterfield-market place


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Three young people shortlisted for top high street apprentice title

Later this month, one young person will be named as the town’s top high street apprentice at the 2020 Chesterfield High Street Awards organised by Destination Chesterfield.

Three apprentices working in high street businesses have been shortlisted for the prestigious Apprentice of the Year award, sponsored by Apprentice Town (Led by Chesterfield Borough Council).

Despite challenging times for businesses in the town, the hard work and dedication of three young people has stood out for their employers who have nominated them for the prestigious award.

Abi Ashmore, an Apprentice Accounts Assistant from Superior Spas in Brimington, Grace Blant, an Apprentice Legal Billing Secretary from Elliot Mather at St Mary’s Gate and Molly Bradbury, a Rents Assistant from Arvato in Chesterfield Town Hall, are all in the running for the top award.

Abi, Grace and Molly now join a 36-strong shortlist of businesses and individuals working on the town’s high street who have been shortlisted across 15 award categories.

Former Netherthorpe School pupil, Abi Ashmore joined Superior Spas after seeing the progression opportunities within the company. Through the apprenticeship she hopes eventually to fulfil her dreams of becoming an accountant.

Delighted to be shortlisted, Abi (18) said: “It feels very rewarding that my colleagues would nominate me for such an award. It shows that all the hard work I’ve put in throughout my time here has been recognised by my peers.”

Chris Bigden, Finance Manager at Superior Spas added: “Abi is an extremely hard-working and important member of our finance department here at Superior Spas. Her communication is outstanding with customers, especially for her age, and she always goes above and beyond for the business.”

Grace Blant (19), started her apprenticeship after leaving Brookfield Community School sixth form. She commented: “I’m delighted to be shortlisted for Apprentice of the Year. To be recognised in such a strong pool of talent has made me extremely confident with my progress so far.”

Following the completion of her apprenticeship Grace plans to undertake further qualifications, including a CILEx course which is a non-graduate route to qualification in law.

Libby Wood, Solicitor and LLP Member/Partner at Elliot Mather added: “We decided to take on an apprentice in the summer of 2019. This was a first for my department. I am delighted to say that Grace slotted into the team from the outset and has proven to be a real asset to the department and the business.”

Former Brookfield Community School pupil, Molly Bradbury (22) is a Level 3 apprentice with Arvato. She commented on being shortlisted: “I feel very proud to be shortlisted for this award as it shows appreciation from my managers and that all my hard work has led to something.”

Lindsey Phillips, Senior Rent Officer at Arvato commented: “I am so very proud of Molly as she is a huge asset to our department and is so deserving of this award. I have no doubt that Molly will continue to grow and I look forward to supporting and working with her in the future. She is an exceptional member of our team.”

Alongside the Apprentice of the Year title, the Chesterfield High Street Awards will also be honouring the town’s Apprentice Employer of the Year, sponsored by Learning Unlimited (The Chesterfield College Group).

Superior Spas has also been shortlisted for the Apprentice Employer of the Year award alongside The Therapy Lounge based in Hasland.

The apprentice and apprentice employer award categories were introduced to the awards line-up in 2018 in order to commend the valuable contribution apprentices and apprenticeships make to Chesterfield’s high street.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, commented on the importance of the apprentice awards: “Apprenticeships have always been and continue to be an integral part of Chesterfield’s success as a town. After facing Covid-19 head-on, it’s vital for the town to focus on the future and how we can create a thriving high street together in this new environment – apprentice opportunities should be at the forefront of our plans.”

Covid-19 has not only delayed this year’s High Street Awards, but also led organiser Destination Chesterfield, to move the award ceremony online. Now in its seventh year, this is the first time the awards has been held virtually.

Usually held in June, the winners of the 2020 Chesterfield High Street Awards will be announced at an online awards ceremony on Wednesday 21 October.

Tara Underhill, Senior Destination Chesterfield Coordinator, who has organised this year’s virtual ceremony with the team added: “A bonus of taking the awards ceremony online means that we don’t have to limit numbers, which enables more people to celebrate the success of all the nominees. Pre-Covid we had to observe a very strict limit on numbers due to venue capacity and demand for tickets always outstripped the numbers permitted.”

Supporters of the 2020 Chesterfield High Street Awards include: Adorn Jewellers, Apprentice Town (led by Chesterfield Borough Council), BRM Solicitors, Chesterfield Borough Council, Chesterfield College Group, Derbyshire Times, East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire), eBusiness Works, Greatest Hits Radio (North Derbyshire), JP Fire Safety Solutions, Maybe*, The Pavements Shopping Centre, Q2 Creative and Redbrik Estate Agents.

For details of all shortlisted businesses and individuals in the 2020 Chesterfield High Street Awards, visit

Apprentice of the Year Finalists CHSA20

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