Author: Dom Stevens

Highlights of 2017

What a year 2017 has been for Chesterfield. As well as confirming that the HS2 rail line would be brought through Chesterfield, work got underway on a number of key developments – Waterside, Peak Resort and the transformation of the former Co-op building on Elder Way into a hotel and restaurants.

In the words of Huw Bowen Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council, who spoke recently at the Chesterfield Investment Summit, “Chesterfield’s green lungs have overtaken the town’s mining heritage which is making it an attractive 21st century investment prospect to investors.”

More than 3,000 businesses operate in Chesterfield with more set to come on board as plans for the town’s HS2 stop get underway. We asked Chesterfield Champions what their highlight had been in 2017 and what 2018 holds for them and the town., and here’s what they said:

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield and Managing Director of Bolsterstone PLC

“I have been the chair of Destination Chesterfield since it was formed in 2011. Every year has seen commercial growth in the town, however 2017 has been transformative for Chesterfield with physical work starting on key developments – the former Co-op, Peak Resort and Waterside.  These are huge investments in their own right, however the announcement in July that we are to get our own HS2 station has taken the Towns potential to attract new investment to a different level, and put Chesterfield into an entirely new league. I don’t think we could have wished for much more for the Town this year- I and the rest of the Destination Chesterfield team go into 2018 with a very positive outlook.”

Chesterfield Waterside - Basin Square massing illustration 1

Cllr Tricia Gilby, Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council

“Shattering the glass ceiling was a highlight in 2017! In April I became the first female leader of Chesterfield Borough Council as part of the first all-female political and civic leadership team with Cllr Amanda Serjeant as deputy leader, Cllr Maureen Davenport as mayor and Mrs Liz Archer as mayoress. The future is very bright for Chesterfield. With Northern Gateway, Waterside and Peak Resort all moving ahead in 2018 there will be new business opportunities, more jobs and more visitors staying in Chesterfield.”

Michael Heath, Managing Director, Milestone Financial Planning

“What a year 2017 has been. From starting the company only 18 months ago we have massively expanded the team resulting in a move to brand new premises recently. It’s great to be part of the buzz in Chesterfield. There’s so much happening now and on the horizon. It’s a brilliant time to not only have a business here, but also live, work and visit.”

Laura Jo Owen, Owner, Adorn Jewellers of Chesterfield

“The highlight of 2017 for us was winning Independent Retailer of the Year and Excellence in Customer Service at the Chesterfield Retail Awards. To have been nominated by our customers meant the world to us. Many of our customers have told me that their resolution for 2018 is to continue to shop locally and with this kind of passion, alongside continued investment from multiple retailers and independent businesses, we can create a sparking future for Chesterfield.”


Andrew McDaid, Partner, Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers

“2017 has been a great year for Mitchells. We have expanded our team at every level and also invested significantly in apprenticeships, supporting the Apprentice Town initiative. This was recognised at the 2017 North Midlands and South Yorkshire Apprentice Awards, where we won the Best SME Newcomer Award. Investing in our staff remains a priority for us as we respond to current and future local business needs. Chesterfield is a town on the up. It’s a very exciting time, particularly with work on major developments now beginning.  Chesterfield is the place to do business.”

Craig Evans, General Manager, UK Asbestos Training Association

“As Chesterfield was named the UK’s first official ‘Apprentice Town’, one of our highlights in 2017 was recruiting three new Business Administration Apprentices from the local area in support of the initiative. All three have gone on to make a significant impact for UKATA. We’re proud to be involved and I hope our example and positive results will encourage other businesses to follow suit in 2018 and beyond.”

Julie Richards, Principal, Chesterfield College

“A highlight for Chesterfield College in 2017 was being judged joint fourth best college in the country by FE Week. My Christmas wish for Chesterfield this year would be for every business to employ and train an apprentice.”

Chesterfield Apprenticeship Ambassadors

Stefan Andrejczuk, CEO, Helen’s Trust

“Helen’s Trust highlight for 2017 was the annual 10k run though the magnificent grounds of Chatsworth. Over 1,000 runners took part, many of them residents of Chesterfield and surrounding areas, raising £21,000 between them.  Having recently joined Helen’s Trust as CEO I am delighted with the amount raised which will be used to fund care for people in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire with a terminal illness who wish to remain at home in their final days.  Our wish for Chesterfield in 2018, is the continuation of a town working together, especially the community, businesses, public services and charities to ensure the best outcomes for people who need support and services.  An economically successful town improves lives for everyone and investment and development in Chesterfield, now and in the future, is exciting.”

Cloe Ingall, Business Development Manager, Chic Cleaning Services Ltd

“Winning our first big tender for a high-profile Chesterfield company was a big highlight for the business in 2017. This enabled us to move the business forward. Looking to 2018, my Christmas wish would be for all the pending developments to go ahead, create jobs and bring future business to the town. Since I moved here in the 1980s the town has developed at a great speed. There seems to be a vast amount happening with housing developments, businesses expanding and/or moving here, and this will create more opportunity for all of us!”

Sally Ambrose, Head of Visitor Experience, Chatsworth Estate

“In June 2017 The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) hosted its first flower show at Chatsworth, and it was our most ambitious exhibition to-date in the house.  During these two landmark events we welcomed many more first-time visitors to Chatsworth. We would like to wish everyone who lives and works in Chesterfield a prosperous 2018.”

chefs chatsworth

Vicki Grove, Marketing Manager, ra Information Systems

“My Christmas wish for Chesterfield is to see more of the same progressive redevelopment.  As a local resident and an employee of a Chesterfield Champion business, I have only seen a positive impact to the town and the surrounding areas over the last 10 years. As it’s just been announced that work will begin on the old Co-op department store, I am very excited to see what is done here.  In the longer term, I am also very excited about the Peak Resort.  There is a lot of anticipation in the local area about this project from the employment prospects this will bring through to the increased footfall to Chesterfield and Derbyshire as a whole.  All in all, Chesterfield really is the place to be!”

James Annerson, Case Manager, Adcroft Hilton Limited

“The positivity amongst small to medium sized businesses, and the opportunities that are on the horizon for Chesterfield and its economy really is exciting for the town’s future. However, My Christmas wish for Chesterfield this year would be to see good trade within our town centre.”

Rod Auton, Chesterfield Canal Trust

“Our Archaeological Dig at Bellhouse Lane, Staveley where we uncovered an almost intact workboat and part of two other boats was a huge highlight for 2017. Over 500 people, half of them children, signed up to join in.  We hope that every child in Chesterfield has a wonderful Christmas.”

 Lee Ashley, Director, Spire Recruitment Ltd

“Spire Recruitment had a great 2017. We were particularly proud to move in to a new office in the recently renovated Staveley Hall, the move was due to business growth and has been a real positive step for our company. If Santa was to bring anything to Chesterfield this Christmas, my wish would be for all the fantastic plans for the development of our town to all go ahead. It would be amazing for businesses and residents to feel the benefit of the planned expansions.”

Simon Paterson, NCS Delivery and Development Manager, Future Foundations

“Our highlight of the year was delivering the NCS programme to over 450 students in Chesterfield, who between them completed over 24,000 hours of social action and charity work!”

Alice Singleton, Website and Marketing Co-Ordinator, Green and Benz

“One of the highlights of 2017 was being named as the Jewellery and Accessories Retailer of the Year at the Chesterfield Retail Awards. It’s always fantastic to be recognised within our local community. Our Christmas wish for Chesterfield it that people visit the town and have a great experience with the wide range of retailers. Chesterfield has a great shopping offering for all and alongside the wide range of food options, it’s the perfect place to complete all your shopping.”

Emma Loughlin, Director, eBusiness Works

“2017 has been a busy but fantastic year. We moved to new, bigger premises enabling us to expand the team and giving us room to grow. We have invested heavily in apprentices and it’s great to see them growing and developing their careers in Chesterfield. Working with so many fantastic businesses in the town, I know first hand the job and career opportunities that exist and I hope young people and their parents feel as positive about Chesterfield’s future as I do.”

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive at East Midlands Chamber

“With an organisation as diverse as the Chamber, there have been many highlights during the year, however, from a Chesterfield perspective, it would have to be the move, over a single weekend in February, from our old, not-fit-for-purpose offices in Canal Wharf to future-proofed premises at Millennium Way, off Dunston Road. Chesterfield is the focus of considerable development opportunity at the moment, from the hotel and restaurants in the old Co-op building, to Waterside and Peak Resort to the north of the town. Some of these plans are already quite long in the tooth and it would be nice to see them progress and start to create the promised jobs. It would also be nice to see our old office site converted to much-needed housing.”

Chesterfield Elderway (Former Co-op store)

Posted in About Chesterfield, Apprentice Town, Business, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield

Canal Trust receives honour from Queen

In June, the Chesterfield Canal Trust was selected as a recipient for The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2017. This is the highest award given to volunteer groups across the UK.

On December 16th, the award was presented formally to the Trust by the Duke of Devonshire, who was acting for the Queen in his role at the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire.

The brief ceremony was held at the Trust’s headquarters at Hollingwood Hub before an audience of some of its volunteers. There were other dignitaries in attendance, including the High Sheriff of Derbyshire, the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire and the Mayor of Chesterfield.

Robin Stonebridge, Chair of the Chesterfield Canal Trust, welcomed the Duke and the other guests, saying how proud he was that this honour had been awarded and also how proud he was of the volunteers who had given more than 40,000 hours of their time last year. He explained that 12 miles of canal had already been restored along with 37 locks, 11 major road bridges and 2 marinas. However, nearly nine miles still await restoration. To loud applause, he said that the Trust was campaigning for the completion of this restoration by 2027, the 250th anniversary of the canal’s opening in 1777.

The Duke spoke about his admiration for the Trust and the work it does to get the Chesterfield Canal restored. He wished all the volunteers the very best of luck in the future. He then presented a certificate, signed by Her Majesty The Queen, to David Fox and a domed English Crystal with the QAVS logo insignia to Richard Allsopp. Both David and Richard were original members dating back to 1976.

The award was created by The Queen in 2002 to mark the occasion of her Golden Jubilee, recognising excellence in voluntary activities carried out by groups in the community. It is the MBE for volunteer groups.

Besides the awards mentioned above the Trust has permission to use the official QAVS logo and Kath Auton (Membership Secretary) and Richard Allsopp represented the Trust at a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in June.

After the formalities, all the dignitaries stayed to talk to the volunteers.

The Chesterfield Canal Trust is a charitable company run entirely by volunteers. Its aims are to promote the full restoration and appropriate development of the Chesterfield Canal. It has 1,700 members.

Amongst many other activities, it runs four trip boats and a promotional trailer. Work Parties take place on the canal every weekend and often during the week. There are many other volunteers doing tasks ranging from canal maintenance, to gardening, to running its shop. It expects to take over 2,000 people on its current Santa Special cruises.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure

SCR ‘transport fit for all’ aims to grow economy by £500m

A major public consultation will be launched early in the New Year so that the public in Chesterfield and the Sheffield City Region (SCR) can have their say on an updated Transport Strategy making transport fit for all.

The Strategy aims to grow the economy by £500million by increasing the numbers of people able to get to work and education by public transport in just 30 minutes, to improve air quality, and to make the best use of the latest technologies.

Following the SCR Combined Authority’s agreement to publicly consult on its updated Transport Strategy, an online questionnaire will open on 8 January and remain open for responses until the end of March. Responses can also be taken by post or email, with details posted after the New Year in key transport and community points across the Region.

The SCR Transport Strategy, which looks ahead to 2040, aims to boost economic growth by ensuring everyone can access work opportunities easily, that streets are safe and healthy, the air quality improved, and that innovations in transport technologies are adopted.

Transport for the North (TfN) – which is set to become the country’s first sub-national statutory transport body – is also due to launch a consultation on its new draft Strategic Transport Plan early in the New Year. The TfN plan outlines the transport infrastructure needed to transform the economy of the North over the next 30 years, in line with the Northern Powerhouse agenda, stretching from the Sheffield City Region to the North East and from Liverpool to Hull.

The SCR Strategy reflects the changes in transport that have developed since the City Region’s 2011 transport plan, with the roles of the Combined Authority, Transport for the North, and the likely impact of HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail. New technologies will also have an effect on transport in the future

The SCR Strategy will benefit people living and working across the whole of the region, and has been produced in liaison with local authority partners. It will help bring forward and support schemes that benefit businesses and communities, strengthen links, and promote joint investment.

The Strategy highlights the fundamental role that transport will play in delivering the SCR plans for economic growth, and emphasises a steadfast commitment to supporting national transport infrastructure programmes that benefit the City Region.

It outlines the region’s ambitions for improved connectivity to the wider North as a core part of the Northern Powerhouse; and sets out priorities for improving the City Region’s transport network through investment, building on its successful Infrastructure Fund programme.

Martin McKervey, a member of the SCR’s Local Enterprise Partnership, said :-

“Our vision is to continue to be a forward-looking city region, with integrated transport connections that support economic growth and improve quality of life for all.

“I am delighted that we are launching this plan for consultation, so that we can get the public’s views before we start commissioning work. The Strategy will be refined based on the comments received.”

The four key aims of the Strategy are:

  • To grow the economy inclusively by £500million by increasing the numbers of people able to get to key employment sites and education by public transport in 30 minutes and to increase rail commuting between the SCR and both Greater Manchester and Leeds City Regions by several thousand journeys daily. This also means ensuring 90% of the population can reach a long-haul airport by public transport within 90 minutes, and bringing 70% of people living in the most deprived areas within a 30-minute journey on public transport to a town, employment areas or education.
  • To create healthy, safe streets by increasing sustainable travel, delivering reduced accident rates, improving air quality, and reducing tailpipe carbon emissions.
  • Other aims are to have a zero carbon public transport network by 2040 and to have increased footfall in the main retail and leisure areas by 15%.
  • To adopt innovative technologies by increasing transport-focussed R & D investment by £330million, and to increase productivity by £75million through reducing journey times and using technology-based efficiencies.

The consultation process will involve MPS, local authorities and parish councils; businesses; and train and bus operators and Peel airports. It will also include special interest groups such as Friends of the Earth and Natural England, consumer groups such as Transport Focus, Sustrans, and tenants’ and residents’ associations.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Free employability training for Chesterfield

Leading healthcare and training provider One to One Support Services of Chesterfield are running a number of courses aimed at helping people in to employment.

One to One will be running free City and Guilds accredited courses in Health and Social Care/Children and Young People alongside Employability Skills from their critically acclaimed Training Academy in Hasland; with the first course starting on Monday 8th January 2018.

Once completed the participants will come out with an industry recognised qualifications as well as the confidence to apply for jobs and confidently speak in interviews.  The Level 1 course, focusses on employability; this includes help with interview questions and techniques, CV writing and discussing career options as well as Safeguarding, Communication, Dementia, English, Maths and ICT.

A previous attendee said “I have learnt how to be confident and learnt new skills I didn’t know I had” and “I’ve really enjoyed doing this course I didn’t think I would it’s been great and has really boosted my confidence”

To enrol on the course participants must be, 19 or over and either  be unemployed or working less than 16 hours a week. The course, is run across 3 days a week for 4 weeks. This course is delivered by experience tutors who help to guide participants through the basics of care work.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Northern Gateway scheme underway with redevelopment of former Co-op building

Work has begun to redevelop the former Co-op department store on Elder Way.

The £10.5 million redevelopment by Jomast Developments is part of the Northern Gateway project led by Chesterfield Borough Council.

The store has been empty since closing in July 2013.

When completed, the building will include:

  • Seven ground floor family restaurants and bars
  • A 92 bedroom Premier Inn hotel on the first and second floors
  • A health and fitness centre in the basement

Adam Hearld, commercial director, Jomast Developments, said:-

“This has been a difficult and complex project to get off the ground and having resolved a number of pre development issues we are now delighted to be able to start on what we believe will be an exciting and vibrant leisure scheme in the heart of the town centre.

“We are anticipating completing the comprehensive refurbishment of the former Co-op building in September 2018 with the Premier Inn, bars, restaurants and gym opening to the public shortly afterwards.

“The Council’s environmental improvements on Elder Way and Knifesmithsgate are key to the success of this scheme and will be coordinated with our development programme throughout 2018.

“These proposals together with the redeveloped multi storey car park and wider plans for Northern Gateway will be critical in revitalising this part of Chesterfield town centre to provide a really exciting environment for people to visit, stay, eat, drink and work in.”

Chesterfield Borough Council has supported the private sector companies in the development by gaining a £5.83 million grant from the Sheffield City Region Investment Fund for landscaping improvements to Elder Way and Knifesmithgate which will benefit the Co-op development and the wider Northern Gateway scheme.

Funding is also being sought for further environmental improvements to connect Saltergate with the heart of the town centre.

The existing Saltergate multi-storey car park will also be redeveloped by the council in a multi-million scheme to provide safe, secure 24 hour parking for people using the hotel, restaurants and local shops.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Chesterfield Borough Council’s deputy leader, said:-

“The Northern Gateway scheme is no longer a plan on a piece of paper, it is a reality.

“From here on the pace of the project will grow as the redevelopment of the former Co-op building will be followed in a few months by us starting work to demolish and replace the Saltergate multi-storey car park, before moving on to other parts of the scheme.

“The old Co-op is a dominant building in the town centre and it has been difficult to see it closed over the past few years. Seeing work start to bring it back in to use gives the town a real confidence boost.

“The growth of Internet shopping is causing hard times on high streets up and down the country but as people see work progress on this building they will see the northern side of the town centre coming back to life. The customers of this development will support existing town centre shops and help encourage other retailers to open shops to replace those that have closed down.”

Peter Swallow, chair of Destination Chesterfield, added:-

“The start of work on transforming the former Co-op building on Elder Way is a major step forward in the development of Northern Gateway and the regeneration of the town centre.

“Chesterfield is going through some very exciting times and the redevelopment of the Co-op building is just one of a number of development opportunities that are now coming to fruition which will change the face of the town and change it for the better so that it is equipped it for the future.

“It is a key development in helping increase the vitality of the town centre as well as preparing Chesterfield to take full advantage of the opportunities that the HS2 station will bring with it.”

The wider Northern Gateway scheme will see an enterprise zone for small and medium sized businesses on part of the site of Holywell Cross (Donut) car park and refurbishment of the existing Saltergate multi-storey car park.

It is estimated the scheme will create around 500 jobs.

Chesterfield Elder Way (Former Co-op store)

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Deadline looms for Enterprising Women nominations

The annual quest to find the region’s most successful and inspirational businesswomen will come to an end soon after Christmas.

The final deadline for nominations for the 2018 East Midlands Chamber Enterprising Women Awards is Friday 5 January.

Winners will be announced at a glittering, ‘little black dress’ dinner on 2 March – coinciding with International Women’s Day.

Eileen Richards, Founder of ER Recruitment, Leicester, a member of the Chamber’s Board of Directors and one of the Co-Chairs of Enterprising Women, said:-

“If any enterprising women have time over the Christmas break – between balancing work and family through the holidays – then it would be an ideal time to nominate themselves for an award.

“Enterprising Women is all about finding and recognising women who make a serious contribution to the regional economy, often successfully balancing work, keeping home and motherhood, but not always being acknowledged for what they achieve.”

There are seven awards to be won this year – the 21st year of the competition: Business Woman of the Year, Social Commitment, Apprentice of the Year, Female Employee of the Year, Female Entrepreneur of the Year, Team of the Year and Small Business of the Year.

Co-Chair Jean Mountain, a Past President at East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“By highlighting their contribution and telling their stories, hopefully we can inspire other women to pursue their business dream, which is why I would urge as many people as possible to send in nominations for the 2018 awards.”

Chamber membership is a requirement for nomination.

Enterprising Women

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

New sensory area opened in Chester’s Den

A new sensory area has been opened inside Chester’s Den in the HUB at the Proact Stadium.

Sensory equipment has been installed in the area, combining a range of stimuli to help individuals develop and engage their senses. These include lights, colours, sounds and sensory soft play objects, allowing children to explore and interact without risk.

Sensory areas can help those who have learning difficulties, developmental disabilities or sensory impairments learn to interact with the world around them.

Councillor Maureen Davenport, Mayor of Chesterfield, who performed the official opening of the area, said:-

“It’s an impressive addition to the play area which will help children with disabilities.”

Hayleigh Vasey, a representative from the Chesterfield FC Community Trust, said:-

“We are so happy to have been able to add this facility and we just can’t wait for people to come down and use it.”

The equipment has been installed by Chesterfield-based firm ROMPA, a world leader in sensory design and equipment, with Accessible Derbyshire also helping to fund the project.

Hayleigh added:-

“Without ROMPA and Accessible Derbyshire, we wouldn’t have been able to do this.

“We’re just so grateful we can put something in our play area that’s for all the community to use.”

Ryan Smyth, Commercial and Marketing Assistant at ROMPA, was at the launch to explain the uses of the equipment, he said:-

“The first area when you walk in is an active area for stimulating.

“We then have a tactile area, which is more based around tactile exploration and in the back corner is a more relaxing area.

“ROMPA works all over the world but to have a project right on our doorstep as part of the community is really pleasing. It’s great for the staff at ROMPA to to be able to see the benefits.”

Martin Thacker, East Midlands Regional Director for the National Deaf Children’s Society, also attended the launch. He said:-

“It’s very visual and it’s very tactile so I think it will be able to support children’s interests that have all five senses and those children who don’t have all five senses. They’ll be able to have an opportunity to explore, enjoy and learn.”

He also took time to praise the great work being done by the Community Trust, adding:-

“I think the Trust is in the forefront now of many Trusts across the country who are actually trying to improve their ways of developing inclusion for the local area.”

sensory area

Posted in About Chesterfield

Radio station find their voices for charity

Chesterfield Champion and online radio station, Spire Radio, will be playing themselves on the radio this Christmas – but it’s all for 2 great causes.

Dave Trickett, Community Director at Spire Radio, and one of his oldest friends, Paul Wilbraham have been raising money throughout 2017 in memory of Dave’s daughter, Kimberley, who lost her fight with cancer in 2009 at the age of just 20.

Since then Paul and Dave have been fundraising tirelessly for both Ashgate Hospice and Teenage Cancer Trust, raising over £80,000.

This year they are aiming to raise another £10,000 for the two charities. After running 5 marathons, a grueling 24-hour treadmill run at Tesco in August and holding a Posh Pie and Peas fund raiser in November this year, Paul and Dave are getting into the festive spirit to raise more money by becoming popstars.

The idea to release an original Christmas single to celebrate a mammoth year of fundraising was first mentioned back in April and it has taken trips to Stoke on Trent as well as recording sessions in Chesterfield to make this a reality. Everyone involved in the single has given their time for free with one simple aim – to raise as much money as possible for both Ashgate Hospicecare and Teenage Cancer Trust.

Dave Trickett, Community Director at Spire Radio, said:-

“This year has been amazing and the recent Pie and Peas night at the Proact Stadium in November was a great night- not just for Paul and I but for everyone that has helped and supported us. This isn’t the end, Paul has already booked for the Brighton marathon for next year, while I’m doing the London marathon for the Teenage Cancer Trust.”

Working with Lyn Sheppard at Positive Impulse Ltd, Dave and Paul provide the voices of Santa while many of the Spire Radio presenters have lent their voices to an original Christmas single written by Charlotte Elizabeth and featuring Chesterfield artists, Anthony Parsons, Georgii Bailey (Derbyshire Singer of the Year 2016), Amy J Bannister, Dino Bedrocker and Hattie Drury.

Amy Hartshorn, Director at Spire Radio, said:-

“I began working with the Trickett family around 5 years ago, the whole family are amazing and have such strength having been through such tragedy. Kim was a beautiful, inspirational person and as such has inspired all of us to keep her legacy alive. Spire Radio raised £5,100 for Kim’s memorial fund in early 2016. Kim was cared for by both Teenage Cancer Trust and Ashgate Hospice which is why Dave and Paul have taken on these epic challenges this year to raise such a huge sum of money.

“They are quite simply two of the most amazing men I have had the privilege to meet, and we will continue to support them in all of their future challenges, and it has been brilliant to be involved in the Christmas single and I’d like to thank everyone that has been involved – even if they’ve only sung one line – we couldn’t have done this without you.”

Debs and Denise, the LOL Girls, Ali Murray, Alan Wilkinson, Maisie Saikia from Spire Radio were joined by the Senior Musical Theatre students from Chesterfield Studios as well as Market Hall traders and the Ashgate Hospice Warblers to raise some festive cheer this Christmas.

The single, A Children’s Christmas Time costs 99p and is released as a digital download via Amazon Music and Spotify.

Christmas single

Posted in About Chesterfield, Christmas

Chesterfield celebrates dance

Over 120 young people took part in ‘UDance’ showcase celebrating dance in Chesterfield at the end of November.

The event, held in the Winding Wheel, was the 12th staging of the platform and a real opportunity to showcase and celebrate the talent and creativity or the young dancers.

UDance is a programme run by One Dance England which seeks to increase the number of youth dance performances and support those who organise them.

A packed out audience watched 17 dance routines from students from across 6 secondary schools and 1 community dance organisation.

The dance festival was opened by Netherthorpe School with their KS3 Pom Team performance. Their excellent and energetic performance was a great opening for the event. Outstanding performances followed from Brookfield Community School, Outwood Academy Newbold, Springwell Community College and St Mary’s Catholic High School.

Local company Crystal Cheer and Dance opened the second half of the evening with a mash up of different street dance pieces. An excellent display of talent from all the secondary schools followed during the second half, including a beautiful duet performance from St Mary’s Catholic High School.

A final solo performance from Netherthorpe School ‘Goodbyes’ drew the evening to a close. A wonderful contemporary piece beautifully demonstrated by a GCSE student drew a large applause from the audience. All the performers returned to the stage for the grand finale, taking the much deserved applause from the crowd.

Clare Limb, Head of Dance Development and Learning for Derbyshire Youth Dance Company said:-

“Dance is a cultural entitlement for all young people. These young people are the future of dance in and out of school, young choreographers in their own right. I encourage them to run their own clubs, make their own dancers and find ways of performing them.”

Mayor of Chesterfield, Councillor Maureen Davenport described how proud she was adding:-

“I’m particularly pleased to see so many schools are taking part, almost every secondary school in the borough has been involved and it’s brilliant.”


Posted in About Chesterfield

New commercial development completed in Chesterfield

Dunston Trade Park is a new commercial development which has recently been completed on Dunston Road in Chesterfield.

The 8,900 square feet development by Peppermint Grove, includes up to five units of 1700 square feet.

Tony Cordin of Peppermint Grove said “We researched the local market with support from Chesterfield Borough Council’s Economic Development team who gave us insight into what type of units were in demand locally.”

“Our aim was to deliver a modern looking development and from the comments we have received so far we think this has been achieved.”

Councillor Terry Gilby, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for economic growth, said: “We have dealt with well over 1,000 enquiries from businesses looking to buy or rent commercial and industrial units in the past 12 months.”

“We therefore very much welcome Peppermint Grove’s investment in new high quality units at Dunston, which will help meet this unprecedented demand and also bring new jobs to the borough.”

To find out more about development opportunities and to search for commercial property in Chesterfield visit or contact the Economic Development Unit at Chesterfield Borough Council on (01246) 345255

Dunston Trade Park

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Chesterfield Champions join forces to hold free support surgeries for businesses looking to grow

SMEs in north east Derbyshire looking to grow are invited to a series of free drop-in support surgeries in the New Year.

Organised by Mitchells Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers, in collaboration with Sheffield City Region Growth Hub, the sessions are designed to help local businesses of all sizes and across all sectors, understand the support on offer from the Growth Hub.

Working alongside a range of private and public sector partners, the Sheffield City Region Growth Hub has access to over 60 streams of business support, from trade and export to skills, innovation, access to finance and specialist support, as well as guide businesses through the services most relevant to them.

Both Mitchells and Sheffield City Region Growth Hub have a long history of helping businesses achieve their goals and realise their potential. To date, Sheffield City Region Growth Hub has worked with more than 4,000 businesses, while Mitchells has assisted businesses access over £6.2m in grants helping create and safeguard over 660 jobs between 2013 and 2017 across the East Midlands.

There are three free to attend sessions being held on Wednesday 31 January, Wednesday 28 February and Wednesday 28 March 2018. All the sessions are being held at Mitchells’ offices on Saltergate in Chesterfield. To book a slot simply email quoting a requested time slot.

support surgeries

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

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