Author: Dom Stevens

Skills gap must be a priority for Government’s industrial strategy

Addressing the skills gap must the top priority for the Government’s Industrial Strategy.

Availability of suitably skilled workers, both at school-leaver level and for key positions, remains the biggest concern for firms, East Midlands Chamber told Greg Clark MP, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, in its formal response to consultation.

“To develop an economy fit for the future, it is essential that we focus on addressing the skills gaps within the high productivity sectors where we perform well, such as engineering and manufacturing,” the Chamber’s response said.

And it called on Mr Clark to focus not just on basic skills but also on soft skills, such as communication, collaboration and problem-solving.

“Employers can train a new recruit to do a job, but they can’t train attitude,” the Chamber’s submission said.

The second most important consideration for implementation of an Industrial Strategy, as discussed at several regional forums and highlighted by Chamber members, has to be improving transport infrastructure at intra- and inter-regional levels.

“Our central location and availability of land provide opportunities for connecting to the rest of the UK and internationally that other areas do not have,” said the Chamber’s response, adding: “Unsurprisingly, this has resulted in strong transport, logistics and distribution sectors based in the East Midlands.

“Situated between our three largest cities, East Midlands Airport is the UK’s largest pure freight airport, a new Strategic Rail Freight Interchange is currently being developed and we are planning for the future arrival of an HS2 station at Toton. It is essential that the opportunities these bring are maximised.”

The third priority highlighted by the Chamber is Government backing for businesses looking to exploit opportunities presented by the weaker pound, which has made UK-made goods cheaper overseas.

“For smaller businesses, or those looking to go overseas for the first time, support for market research and trade missions is one very practical way that they can be aided,” said the response.

It also called for digital technology to be given a higher profile, saying:-

“Fast, reliable, affordable broadband will be an enabler in allowing this to happen and must be delivered to all businesses and residences alike.”

Other priorities included affordable energy and low-carbon technologies, an area where the East Midlands has the potential to become a world-leader, and entrepreneurship, which the response described as “an important trait within the East Midlands”.

Finally, the response urged Government to work with Chambers of Commerce to deliver its Industrial Strategy because Chambers “provide a presence, consistency and stability not replicated anywhere else in the Midlands landscape” and because “we have no political affiliations and a strong track record of working with partners from across the public and private sector”.

Chris Hobson, Director of Policy at East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“The Government, whatever its persuasion after 8 June, has an opportunity to shape Britain’s economic future post-Brexit. It needs to heed the voice of business in determining that future and as the biggest business-representation organisation in the Midlands, we hope it will take note of what our members are saying.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

United for Special Olympics

A team of runners backed by Chesterfield based Whittam Cox Architects, have raised more than £900 in support of the Special Olympics GB Sheffield Games.

Competitors from Sheffield United Football Club, supported by the locally based architecture firm, took on the 2017 Plusnet Yorkshire Half Marathon in Sheffield in aid of the charity.

Physiotherapists, masseurs, video analysts, kit men and accountants from the Club, teamed up with Luke Prest of Whittam Cox (who sponsored the team), as well as Jayne and David Thompson, parents of Special Olympics GB Sheffield’s Alex Thompson, to take on the endurance event.

The Special Olympics GB National Games will be the largest sports event to take place in GB for people with an intellectual (learning) disability and will be taking place in Sheffield in August. United’s Bramall Lane stadium will host the opening ceremony.

Dave McCarthy, Operations Director at Sheffield United, said:-

“We are incredibly proud of the team for taking part in the marathon and raising more than £900 for the Special Olympics GB Sheffield Games.

“Special thanks to Jayne and David Thompson, whose son Alex will be competing in the Special Olympics, and Luke Prest, of Whittam Cox Architects for helping strengthen our team – it was a particularly hot day but everyone gave their best effort to get to the finish line.

“We really want more people to learn about the Special Olympics and we’d like to encourage anyone connected with the Club to support this worthy cause.”

Jayne Thompson, mum to Special Olympics GB athlete Alex Thompson, said:-

“The main reason for us taking part in the marathon was to raise awareness about the charity and the games coming up in August.

“We are really excited that they’re taking place in Sheffield this year and are hoping we can get lots of people to come along to cheer on all the athletes.

“Sheffield United, in particular Dave McCarthy, and Whittam Cox have been absolutely amazing throughout this time and they’ve done brilliant work in raising such a fantastic amount of money!”

Luke Prest, Head of Visualisation at Whittam Cox Architects, said:-

“I am incredibly proud to have been involved in this amazing fundraising effort.

“I’m a huge Blades fan, so the opportunity to run alongside the team, while raising money for a brilliant cause was something I just couldn’t say no to!”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Brexit mini-boom boosts economy index

The Brexit mini-boom enjoyed by business has boosted the East Midlands Chamber State of the Economy Index to its highest level in nearly two years.

For Quarter 1 of 2017 the measure of business confidence and success stood at 375, only eight points below its Q2 2015 level and nearly 100 points higher than just before the EU Referendum last June.

The Index is based on the net results of responses given by business to repeat questions in the Chamber’s Quarterly Economic Surveys, the latest of which (Q1 2017) was carried out between 20 February and 10 March.

The survey recorded a rise in the number of firms reporting increased sales in the UK (up from 27 net variance to 29) and overseas (up from 14 to 23 net).

Confidence levels were also higher with an increase in the number of firms expecting improved performance in the next three months in the UK (up from 23 to 27 net) and overseas (up from 18 to 26 net).

And the number of East Midlands firms expecting turnover (up from 51 to 67 net) and profitability (up from 30 to 49 net) to increase this year was also higher in the first three months of 2017 than in the final quarter of 2016.

The net variance of firms reporting intentions to invest in equipment rose from 10 to 15, and those with intentions to invest in training went up from 18 to 29.

There was also a boost in employment with the net number of firms reporting increased staffing levels up from 19 to 23 and the variance of those expecting to take on more personnel rising from 20 to 38 net.

However, finding suitably skilled staff remained the single second-biggest issue for responding firms. The most serious longer-term concern according to the Q1 2017 QES was inflation, which leap-frogged the Q4 2016 QES top concerns of business rates and exchange rates.

Chis Hobson, the Chamber’s Director of Policy, said:-

“What these figures confirm yet again is that the East Midlands economy has remained robust and far from falling into the mire of doom and despair predicted by many in response to Brexit has enjoyed nine months of mini-boom.

“We know there are inflationary pressures that can potentially hinder growth, especially coupled with the raft of new upfront costs for businesses introduced this month. Firms are already beginning to do report squeezed margins, but despite that we can see that, on the whole, business remains confident and plans to invest in equipment and training.

“Business in the East Midlands had all but conquered the initial fears over Brexit and coped with the fall in the value of Sterling, however, the recently called General Election on 8 June has the potential to create more short-term uncertainty.

“What is really important now is that all Parties clearly articulate what they stand for. There are a multitude of domestic issues that need to be managed and we would call on all candidates to make clear to business what their plans are for strengthening the economy now, during Brexit negotiations and post-Brexit.”

East Midlands Chamber logo


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Painting Gives Bird’s Eye View of Early 18th Century Chatsworth

Visitors can now discover how Chatsworth appeared in the early 18th century thanks to the acquisition of an important major landscape painting giving a detailed bird’s eye view of the estate.

The Directors of the Chatsworth House Trust are delighted to announce the arrival of an important addition to the Devonshire Collection – A View of Chatsworth by Jan Siberechts, painted circa 1703.

Until now a painting of the house and garden in the 1st Duke’s time was missing from the collection. This large scale, detailed painting is now on display at Chatsworth, with a series of landscape paintings of the house and garden detailing major changes through the past 400 years.

The Duke of Devonshire commented:-

“I am extremely excited that this landscape has joined the Devonshire Collection. It will be of great interest to our visitors as it portrays on a grand scale a complete view of Chatsworth, house, garden and park as built and laid out by the 1st Duke and this enables us all to know so much more about Chatsworth at the very beginning of the 18th century”.

This bird’s eye view of Chatsworth originally belonged to Admiral Edward Russell, later 1st Earl of Orford, a close friend and political colleague of the 1st and 2nd Dukes of Devonshire.  It passed by descent to his great-niece Letitia Tipping who married the 1st Lord Sandys in 1725, and has remained in the Sandys family until now.

Previously catalogued as by an unknown late 17th century English artist, A View of Chatsworth has recently been reattributed by Omnia Art to Jan Siberechts, who specialised in painting bird’s eye views of English country houses in this period.  Siberechts is known to have worked for the 1st Duke of Devonshire as payments to the artist are recorded in the Chatsworth archives, and a number of watercolours by Siberechts exist showing views of Derbyshire near Chatsworth.

Charles Noble, Chatsworth’s Curator of Fine Art,  who advised the Directors of the Chatsworth House Trust, said:-

“I am absolutely thrilled to have been a part of this acquisition from a leading landscape artist working in England at the turn of the 18th century.  It is of historical importance both in art and to Chatsworth”.

A short film about Siberechts’ A View of Chatsworth with Curator Charles Noble will be on display in the Green Satin Room in Chatsworth House from 24 April 2017, and also available on the Chatsworth House YouTube channel and on the Chatsworth website.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Thousands of people set to walk for those needing hospice care

This year’s Markovitz Showroom Sparkle Night Walk is set to be bigger than ever, with over 2,000 people already signed up to take part. The Hospice is hoping to smash last year’s records and reach over 3,000 walkers, enabling Ashgate Hospicecare to get one step closer to funding a 24/7 Hospice at Home team to keep people at home.

One participant who is set to sparkle in aid of Ashgate Hospicecare is 38 year old Suzanne Leusby from Chesterfield, alongside her 11 year old daughter Tayla.

Suzanne said:-

“Tayla and I are taking part in the Sparkle Night Walk in memory of my mother-in-law and Tayla’s Nannie Margaret, who was cared for by Ashgate Hospicecare and sadly passed away from cancer on 2nd March 2017 aged 68. We’re also walking in memory of both of Tayla’s granddads, who passed away from cancer too.

“Whenever Tayla and my son Joshua (6) visited the hospice, they felt very comfortable and kept asking when they could go back. Joshua loved the play area, and because they both felt completely at ease there, they were able to enjoy their time visiting their Nan and be themselves – which brought a lot of smiles all round.

“We weren’t sure what to expect at first, but as soon as we entered the hospice we were immediately shown where everything was and were made to feel completely welcome. Margaret also commented on how nice the hospice was and she loved her little private patio. They made sure she was well looked after during the time she had left and respected her wishes for the care that she wanted. She had not long lost her husband to cancer and the family were still struggling with the loss, so it really helped knowing that she was getting all the help she needed.”

Tayla added:-

“I liked visiting my Nannie at the hospice more than in hospital because Ashgate were very welcoming to me and my little brother. They looked after my Nannie very well, like making sure she liked what she was eating and getting her ready for the day. I like Ashgate Hospicecare because while my Nannie was eating, there was a play room for me and my little brother to play in.”

When asked what Tayla was most looking forward to about Sparkle, Suzanne said: “She’s really excited about doing the walk at night and staying out late! She can’t wait to get all dressed up in bunny ears with her friends whilst raising money for a well deserved charity in memory of her Nannie.”

If you’d like to find out more about the Sparkle Night Walk click here.

Ashgate Hospice - Sparkle Night Walk 2015 - Photo By James Williamson

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Nick joins Start Financial Planning

Chesterfield Champion, Start Financial Planning has expanded its team further with the appointment of Nick Evans.

Nick (28) from Hasland, joins the independent financial advice firm as a trainee financial advisor. He makes the move to the financial services industry from a career in training and, prior to that, banking where he worked for a high street building society for six years.

Nick’s appointment plays a key part in the firm’s ambitious growth plans. He is currently undertaking financial advisor qualifications and expects to qualify in October later this year.

He commented:-

“I am loving the challenge that my career change has brought. While I have experience of working in a financial environment, I am now learning about and dealing with a vast array of financial products in order to deliver truly independent financial advice.”

Outside work, Nick plays guitar with a few local bands and last year played with the indie folk duo The Natterjacks at Derbyshire’s Y Not Festival.

Start Financial Planning was established last year by Steve Taylor and Michael Heath. Working closely with firms within Chesterfield’s professional services sector, Start has brought a new approach to the world of financial planning.

Welcoming Nick to Start, Steve said:-

“We’re delighted to have Nick on board. His appointment embodies our approach to doing things differently from other financial advisers. We want to develop team from the ground up, training them in all aspects of the business so that they have full knowledge of products, markets and our clients. This, we believe, delivers a far superior service.”

Delivering a full financial planning service to individuals and businesses nationwide, Start’s services are in high demand from small business owners who are keen to maximise their pension contributions.

As well as pensions and exit strategies, Start Financial Planning also specialise in tax planning, estate planning, investments, business and personal protection.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Chamber reaction to call for snap election

Theresa May has announced her intention to call a snap General Election for 8 June.

MPs in the House of Commons will be asked tomorrow to vote in favour of the election. Under the Fixed Term Parliament Act, it will take a two-thirds majority to make the election possible.

Mrs May has said that her U-turn from her previous position that she wouldn’t call an early General Election was intended to prevent the uncertainty of an election in 2020 interfering with crucial stages of Brexit negotiations.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive at East Midlands Chamber, said immediately after Mrs May’s announcement outside Number 10:-

“As a general rule, business doesn’t like elections because they create instability, and this one appears to be creating uncertainty in already uncertain times.

“It could be damaging to the UK economy at a time when business had appeared to have conquered the initial fears over Brexit and coped with the fall in the value of Sterling resulting from the ‘Leave’ vote. Our latest Quarterly Economic Survey has shown that business has been doing better since the EU Referendum than anyone predicted.

“What is really important now is that all Parties clearly articulate what they stand for, without any of the bombast or rhetoric of recent ballots, and to show they are considering much more than just Brexit. There are a multitude of domestic issues that need to be managed and we would call on all candidates to make clear to business what their plans are for strengthening the economy now, during Brexit negotiations and post-Brexit.”

East Midlands Chamber logo

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Gilder Group continue to support Ashgate Hospicecare by donating car for the third year running

Ashgate Hospicecare is thrilled to announce that they have received a brand new Mitsubishi ASX, kindly donated by Chesterfield’s Gilder Group.

The car, which was passed over to hospice last week, is the newest model of its type which promises to offer great space and comfort to our patients.

Dave Littlewood, Dealer Principal of Chesterfield’s Gilder Mitsubishi, said:-

“We are delighted to continue our support for Ashgate Hospicecare. We hope that this year’s gift of a Mitsubishi ASX will prove to be as reliable and hard working as all the staff and volunteers at the Hospice, who regardless of the weather turn up to provide essential caring, often to remote parts of Derbyshire.

“The staff’s selflessness and good humour rubs off on us all – if we can make their life and that of their patient’s a little easier, then that’s a good job well done!”

Alison Ward-Foster, Partnerships Manager at Ashgate Hospicecare, said:-

“We can’t thank Gilder Group enough for their continued support. Their generosity makes such a difference to our patients who will be able to travel is comfort and style to the Day Hospice. The hospice is also saving money by not purchasing or leasing a vehicle and the money saved enables our nurses to care for more patients and their loved ones.”

Elaine Ryalls, a patient in Ashgate Hospicecare’s Day Hospice, said:-

“The new car looks really lovely.  It makes it possible for me to come to the Day Hospice which provides huge support to me. Thank you for supporting Ashgate Hospicecare.”

Across its full range of services, Ashgate runs a 21-bed Inpatient Unit, a 16-place Day Hospice, and a range of therapy and support services on site. Services are funded mainly through donations and are provided free of charge to patients and their families. The majority of services delivered are in the community, enabling people to stay at home.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Ready Steady Go: Top Action and Family Fun at Chatsworth House

Courage and determination from riders around the world will once again be in evidence across three days of thrilling action at the Dodson & Horrell Chatsworth International Horse Trials (12-14 May 2017).

With the course upgraded by the former top event and Olympic rider Ian Stark to deliver a fresh and exciting experience for both equestrians and spectators, there will be the chance to see awe-inspiring action at close quarters.

Alongside the top quality equestrian action drawing in an international field featuring elite British riders, organisers have lined up even more family friendly attractions to ensure a great day out for everyone.

Competition highlights include the first leg of the Event Rider Masters Series, back for the second year, as well elegant dressage, thrilling cross country and the chance to see the stars of the future in the Dubarry Burghley Young Event Horse 4 and 5-year-old classes.

Upping the action on the opening day, the popular ‘Eventing Challenge’ is back. Held in a grass arena at Queen Mary’s Bower, the riders must complete a show jumping course before taking on the cross-country fences against the clock.

Fun attractions around the park include the popular Pony Club Mounted Games and Scurry Driving, where horse and carriage fly around an obstacle course at top speed. Children can even get a ride in a cart pulled along by the Newfoundland Rescue Bear Dogs, the popular gentle giants who are always pleased to meet younger visitors. Mullinscote Gun Dog Display, Paws for Thought and have-a-go dog agility displays, the Hound Parade and The Sheep Show, featuring some real woolly characters, all combine to bring the countryside to life for the visitor.

A new interactive circus skills workshop will give everyone the chance to have a go at juggling, spinning a diabolo, walking on cup stilts, balancing on wobble boards or playing with hula hoops.

Pottery painting for all the family is another new addition this year. With many ceramic items to choose from, there are lots of fun ways to get creative – draw, paint, stamp or sponge to create a personalised piece to take home. A small fee applies. Together with face painting, there is lots of hands-on activity for all the family at the horse trials this year.

Sally Ambrose, Chatsworth’s head of visitor experiences, said:-

“We’ve really built on the previous year’s events, both in terms of increasing the equestrian content across all three days and adding more family friendly attractions too. It’s a great opportunity to be part of an amazing event with some fantastic showmanship and skill on display while enjoying the stunning Peak District countryside.”

Sam Horrell CEO at Dodson & Horrell added:-

“As title sponsors for the fifth year running our team always looks forward to the horse trials which has so much to offer visitors over the weekend and it’s great to be a part of this key event in the equestrian calendar. The setting at Chatsworth provides an idyllic backdrop and allows everyone to not only enjoy the international competition but also to soak up the atmosphere that Chatsworth creates.”

The Derbyshire, Leicestershire & Rutland Air Ambulance is the charity for 2017. They will have a stand at the event where visitors will have the chance to learn more about their vital life-saving service. The Dog Agility and the UK Rescue Bears will also be giving all their donations collected at the event to the charity.

There is an advanced booking discount available online until 9 May 2017. Adult prices start at £10 per day; child prices start at £4 per day for under 14s, under 5s are free. All ticket types include admission to the event and car parking. Gates open 8am.

Chatsworth International Horse Trials

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

36 retailers go head-to-head in 2017 Chesterfield Retail Awards

More than 200 shops and stores nominated in fourth annual awards

36 Chesterfield retailers are set to go head-to-head in the annual Chesterfield Retail Awards, organised by Destination Chesterfield in association with Addooco, with one hoping to take the coveted title of Retailer of the Year, which is sponsored by East Midlands Chamber.

This year, more than 800 people nominated their favourite shops and stores in the annual awards, which are sponsored by Addooco. Now in their fourth year, the prestigious awards are open to retailers and market stall holders in and around Chesterfield town centre, as well as those in Brampton and Whittington Moor

Following the nomination process, a panel judges selected 37 finalists who will battle it out across 17 categories at the Chesterfield Retail Awards ceremony on Wednesday 24 May.

Nine businesses are hoping to defend their 2016 Chesterfield Retail Award titles, including Adorn Jewellers, Lamb’s Cupcakes, Specsavers, R.P Davidson Cheese Factor, Burlingtons Hair Salon, Debenhams, Three Store, StraightCurves and Warren James Jewellery.

Organiser of the popular awards, Dom Stevens, Manager of Destination Chesterfield, said: “We were blown away by the amount of nominations we received this year. We had more than ever before. It was great to see so many first time nominees and new businesses being recognised by shoppers for the fantastic contribution they collectively make to Chesterfield’s retail scene.”

Discover the shortlisted businesses across the 16 categories in this year’s Chesterfield Retail Awards 

The winners of the 2017 Chesterfield Retail Awards will be announced at a special awards ceremony at the Winding Wheel on Wednesday 24 May later this year.

As well as Addooco and category sponsors, other supporters of the 2017 Chesterfield Retail Awards include Temple Safety, R.A. Information Systems, eBusiness Works, City Taxis and the Derbyshire Times.

retail awards

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Chesterfield Retail Awards, Destination Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Funding streams open for D2N2 Digital Growth Programme

Organisations across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire can now apply for grants of up to £16,000 to improve their digital capabilities.

A grant scheme has been set up through the D2N2 Digital Growth Programme, which aims to help enterprises with growth aspirations to maximise their use of existing technology or explore and introduce new and emerging ICT products.

Grants of between £2,000 and £16,000 are available to organisations registered to take part in the scheme. The grants are for 40% of the total cost up to the £16,000 maximum and must be match-funded by the applicant organisation for the balance.

The overall aim will be to encourage and improve competitiveness and productivity.

The grant scheme is being delivered by a partnership including East Midlands Chamber, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire County Councils and Nottingham City Council.

Diane Simpson, Deputy Chief Executive at East Midlands Chamber, who is also the Chamber’s lead on the project, said:-

“Knowing the true value of digital technology and understanding what is right for your enterprise can be a daunting challenge, making it all too easy to miss out on opportunities for improvement.

“The programme we’re delivering will help organisations across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire to explore new ICT products and introduce them in their workplaces to help make them more competitive and more productive.”

Adrian Smith, Nottinghamshire County Council’s Corporate Director – Place, said:-

“There is a growing and rapid need for UK businesses to make sure they are digitally aware and capable so that they will be best-placed to capitalise on the global opportunities awaiting them in a post-Brexit economy.

“This programme provides all the expertise available, providing real foundations for future growth. We would encourage businesses to make the most of this great opportunity to stay ahead of the game.”

The grant scheme forms part of the D2N2 Digital Growth Programme, which will see up to £7.25m of funding invested into the local economy by 2019.

The two-year programme will deliver 360 action-planning workshops, an annual digital conference, dedicated digital business advice, workforce development skills advice and a £1.8m technology grant scheme managed by the local authorities.

At least 2,380 businesses will be engaged with, resulting in 852 businesses receiving intensive support, the creation of 69 new businesses and 639 businesses introducing new digital products or processes.

The programme is being funded by the Chamber, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire County Councils, Nottingham and Derby City Councils, Ruschcliffe Borough Council, Nottingham’s Creative Quarter Company, D2N2 and the European Regional Development Fund.

Any business interested in finding out more about the D2N2 Digital Growth Programme grants, which are subject to eligibility criteria, should, in the first instance, visit and register at

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

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