Author: Dom Stevens

Appeal reaches £2 million landmark – but still more to do

Fundraisers are celebrating after the appeal to build the new NGS Macmillan Unit at Chesterfield Royal Hospital today passed £2 million. With the centre expected to be completed in Spring 2017, Macmillan is appealing for local people to help raise the remaining amount.

Currently cancer care and treatment is given from different clinics across the Chesterfield Royal hospital site, and the chemotherapy unit is no longer large enough for the number of patients it sees.  There is also only a limited information service.

The new state of the art centre will provide all cancer services and treatment in one place, delivered by a team of specialists. There will be an increase from 8 to 25 chemotherapy chairs / beds, plus a specialist Macmillan information and support service which will offer cancer information, benefits advice, emotional support and also signpost patients to other local services such as support groups.

Steve Loane, Area Fundraising Manager for Macmillan in Derbyshire, said:-

“Being diagnosed with cancer is the toughest fight many people will ever face, so I am absolutely delighted that we have hit the £2 million mark.

“The response from the local community has been incredible. We’ve had local companies, groups, clubs and individuals organise events and take on personal challenges to help us raise the money. We just need one final push to help us raise the remaining amount, so if you can get involved please get in touch with us.

“The National Garden Scheme donated £1.5 million towards the new centre. There are 70 gardens in the Derbyshire area and a portion of the money raised locally from all of these gardens openings has contributed to this donation to help the people of Derbyshire.”

Dr Roger Start, Lead Cancer Clinician at the Chesterfield Royal Hospital, said:-

“This is a really exciting development for the hospital, our patients and the local community.  By working in partnership with Macmillan we will create a really special cancer centre that will absolutely enhance the fantastic work our cancer teams do. It’s a massive ask but I’m convinced people will be behind the plans and fundraising campaign.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Employment trends remain positive

The number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance in Chesterfield fell to 1,120 in December, the lowest figure recorded in the town during 2016.

Across the East Midlands, figures released by the Office for National Statistics this week told a similar story, with the number of people out of work in the three months to November down compared with the three months to August 2016.

According to the Office for National Statistics, despite improved Jobseeker’s Allowance claimant figures and a drop in the number of people unemployed, the number of people in work fell in the three months to November 2016 compared with the three months to August.

But the trend, as shown by the year-on-year and two-yearly figures continues to show more people in work.

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive at East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“This month’s figures are, once again, very positive and confirm the results of our Quarterly Economic Survey for the end of 2016 which is that the East Midlands continues to be a key driver of the economy. Despite the uncertainties of Brexit, and partly because of them, regional firms are continuing to create jobs and wealth.

“The lower value of the pound against the euro and the US dollar, in particular, has made UK-made goods and services cheaper overseas. Combined with a strong reputation for quality, this has led to increased international demand for the ‘Made in Britain’ brand and exporting companies have recruited to cope with demand.

“This has an impact all the way down the supply chain, creating jobs at all levels, which is good for the regional and national economy.”

But Scott warned that inflationary pressures, brought about as a consequence of higher-cost imports – the flip-side of a weaker pound – will eventually rebalance the books.

He added:-

“Higher prices in shops and at fuel pumps, which we’re already seeing, will lead to demands for wage increases which, when coupled with higher manufacturing costs, will put pressure on employers to raise prices or find other ways of making savings and we would be surprised if that didn’t lead to a drop in employment levels later in 2017.”

Scott-Knowles East Midlands Chamber


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Development

Brand new website boost for tourism in the Peak District and Derbyshire

Visitors to the Peak District and Derbyshire can now count on an even better on-line experience when looking for fresh ideas and inspiration before or during their visit.

Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, the area’s official tourist board, has launched a brand new, easy-to-navigate website offering a wealth of information – everything from where to stay to what to do – whether they’re at a desk or on the move.

The simple-to-use new platform – unveiled this week to invited guests at Cromford Mills  – helps holidaymakers track down all the details they need to make their visit extra-special, including a wide variety of activities, events and the best places to eat and drink.

Visitors can now cherry pick their own individually-tailored itineraries thanks to a new planner tool, as well as tracking down a host of special offers on everything from accommodation to eating out.

Tourist board members and local businesses and organisations highlighted on the responsive new website can also expect a broad range of benefits, including:

  • Improved search engine performance, driving even more people to browse the site
  • A link to availability from online travel agents, allowing members to promote special rates and seasonal offers
  • A new tool telling visitors ‘What’s Nearby’, revealing how close accommodation and other businesses are to key attractions

While the website has a clean, contemporary look to herald the start of a new year, the address remains the same – – to ensure continuity and avoid confusion.

The tourist board’s user-friendly new website builds on the success of its previous one, which scored its best-ever results in 2016. More than 1.3 million people visited the site, which hosted around 1.8 million browsing sessions throughout the year – an increase of 20 percent on 2015.

Most visited pages were the home page, events, accommodation, walking and historic houses and castles – and there was a marked rise in the percentage of people using the site on mobile devices such as phones (more than 38 per cent) and tablets (almost 23 per cent).

Jo Dilley, Managing Director of Marketing Peak District & Derbyshire, said: –

“People are right at the heart of the best practice we have drawn on to develop our new website, so that visitors can access the information they need quickly and easily, whether they’re researching on a desktop computer before their visit or using a mobile device while they’re here.

“It’s specifically designed to build on the success of our previous website, and to be more mobile-friendly, to reflect the changing ways our visitors are accessing information about, and special offers in, the Peak District and Derbyshire throughout the year.

“As well as improving our on-line relationship with holidaymakers, its new features will also bring benefits for all our members, businesses and organisation showcased on the site – by attracting even more people to browse, take advantage of key promotions and check how close they are to some of our leading attractions.

“We’d love to hear from more businesses who would like to be part of the success of the new site as it attracts even more visitors to come and stay and spend more money to boost the economy in our world-class destination.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Reaction to Theresa May’s Brexit speech

Scott Knowles, Chief Executive of East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“Our members will take a level of comfort that Prime Minister Theresa May today offered business an assurance that she wanted continued free trade between Britain and the EU after Brexit.

“But she also said that she wanted Britain to be free to negotiate trade deals with other countries around the world without being tied to constraining EU rules and regulations.

“And it was reassuring to hear her say that ‘no EU deal for Britain would be better than a bad deal for Britain’ as it would leave us free to set its own tax rates, for example, which would make the UK more attractive than the EU to invest in, which would be bad for the EU.

“We were pleased to hear her commit to ensuring Britain should remain a global player in the fields of science and innovation and that she would strive to continue to attract the brightest students to our universities.

“And for the first time she has stated that she wants UK firms to be able to continue to recruit the skills they need from among EU nationals and for UK citizens to work and live in the EU.

“She is also talking about a period of transition between the UK being part of the EU and after it leaves so that the impact of our exit is softened.

“These are things that business needed to hear, but there remain concerns about Britain’s place in the Customs Union, which facilitates free passage of goods throughout the EU, to which Mrs May said that she wanted Britain to be able negotiate its own international trade agreements but that she also wanted to retain the benefits of being part of the Customs Union. But she said she had no preconceived position on whether we stay in it or not.

“Mrs May said she didn’t think we’d be able to remain part of the Single Market as to do so would require the UK to continue to abide by EU rules and regulations and have open borders, which is what the public said they didn’t want.

“But she also said she wanted a new model for our friendship and partnership with the EU, not something based on existing models.

“Mrs May has set out a position that indicates that she does have business interests at heart, which is something we have said from the outset should be a driving force in Brexit negotiations.

“We are still walking an unknown path, but it was good to hear Mrs May stress that free trade means more trade, more jobs, more wealth and more growth, barriers to free trade mean the opposite and that it would be a ‘calamitous’ decision to offer a punitive deal to the UK just to dissuade other countries from leaving the EU.

“Business understands that you can’t set all your cards on the table when you’re negotiating and there is a judgment to be made between what you reveal and what you hold back. In the meantime, business will continue to do what it does best – create wealth and jobs and drive the economy – and be ready to meet the challenges that lie ahead.”

East Midlands Chamber logo

Posted in About Chesterfield

Caldwell’s delight at Chesterfield role

Gary Caldwell has expressed his delight at being confirmed as the new manager of Chesterfield.

Caldwell has signed a one-year rolling contract with the Spireites and will be in the dugout for Saturday’s match with AFC Wimbledon at the Proact.

Caldwell said:-

“It’s really exciting and I’m looking forward to it. I was at the game at the weekend and I had discussions and now I’m just delighted to get everything done and looking forward to working with and meeting the players.

“I spoke to Chris Turner and Ashley Carson last week and I met them again just before the game on Saturday.

“I had great discussions at length about where they wanted to go and what I could bring to that process and I felt that at this time in my career it’s the right move for me.

“I’m hungry to get back into management and to get success. I believe that gives you the control to bring you success and to win football games.”

Caldwell, who guided Wigan Athletic to the League One title in his first managerial role, added:-

“It’s not going to happen overnight and you’re not going to see a totally drastic change to the team that you saw on Saturday – which for me was an extremely hard working team full of quality.

“But I’ll slowly start putting my ideas across and get the team playing a style of football that I believe over a long season will bring you success.

“I’m going to work with all the staff that are here and lean on them because they know more about the squad than I do at this moment in time, so I’m going to need their expertise and I’m looking forward to working with them.”

Photography: Tina Jenner 

Posted in About Chesterfield

Cathelco supply systems for new generation of cruise ships

Chesterfield based business, Cathelco, are supplying two of their systems for the latest Quantum class cruise ships to be built for Royal Caribbean Cruises by Meyerwerft in Germany.

The marine growth prevention and impressed current cathodic protection systems will be installed on the fourth and fifth vessels in the series which are scheduled to go into service 2019 and 2020.

Cathelco systems are already installed on the Quantum of the Seas which entered service in 2014, followed by the Anthem of the Seas in 2015 and the Ovation of the Seas which began operating last year.

The systems are designed to prevent bio-fouling in sea water pipework serving the main engines and ancillary systems. This involves fitting pairs of copper and aluminium anodes in the seachests which are wired to a control panel. In operation, the copper anodes produce ions which create an environment where barnacle and mussel larvae do not settle or breed, but are carried through the system to discharge. At the same time, the aluminium anodes produce ions which create an anti-corrosive coating on the internal surfaces of pipes.

Adam Rogers, Sales Manager at Cathelco, said:-

“The systems on these ships are some of the largest that we produce and are ideally suited to treating large volumes of sea water.”

Both of the new Quantum class ships will also be installed with Cathelco systems to protect the underwater hull surfaces against corrosion.

In operation, the reference electrodes measure the electrical potential at the hull/seawater interface and send a signal to the control panel which automatically raises or lowers the outputs to the anodes. In this way, the hull receives the optimum corrosion protection at all times.

Cathelco have also received an order to supply equipment for the first in the series of Project Edge vessels which are to be built for Celebrity Cruises in France.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

New date announced for 2017 Chesterfield Half Marathon

This year’s Chesterfield Half Marathon will now take place on Sunday 22nd of October, incorporating the individual half marathon, two team relays (2 X 10K and 4 X 5K) and fun run.

Originally scheduled for the 24th of September the event has been put back to the 22nd of October following feedback from a number of runners disappointed that they wanted to take part but couldn’t because of the clash of date with the Sheffield 10K and the Robin Hood Marathon and Half Marathon.

With such positive feedback from the 2016 Chesterfield Half Marathon, organisers of the event didn’t want to disappoint those wanting to run again in 2017, so have taken the decision to re-schedule.

As Andrea Hooley, Operations Manager at The Chesterfield Marathon, explained:-

“We had such a fantastic response from runners to the new improved half marathon course in 2016 that it seemed a shame when a number of runners contacted us concerned about the clash of dates. Therefore, while the route will remain exactly the same as in 2016, the date of the event for 2017 has been put back until later in October.

“We have also taken the decision to freeze the price of the event until the end of February at the early bird price of £25 for the individual half marathon (plus £3.50 postage of running number), £20 per runner for the 2 X 10K relay and £10 per runner for the 4 X 5K relay.”

All races will once again start and finish in Queens Park, with the half marathon route taking in Chesterfield Town Centre, and the popular stretches of Hasland and Chatsworth Road. Individual runners raising a minimum of £50 in sponsorship for Kids n Cancer are able to run for free, as are teams of 2 raising £100 and teams of 4 raising £200.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Visiting

Business calls for clarity from Prime Minister’s speech

Businesses are calling on Prime Minister Theresa May to use her promised Brexit speech tomorrow to offer clarity on key issues of concern.

Downing Street has confirmed that Prime Minister Theresa May will use the speech to give the clearest indication yet of the Government’s plans for Britain’s exit from the EU.

The Government has been under pressure to spell out its negotiating stance but has consistently declined to show its hand before Article 50 is triggered and negotiations begin.

Last November, East Midlands Chamber, with support from regional MPs, led a delegation of regional business leaders to Westminster and used the event in the heart of Government to unveil an eight-page report setting out what regional businesses want to ensure Britain prospers after it leaves the EU.

The report – Shaping a Great Future for the East Midlands: Leading Balanced and Sustainable Growth in a Post-Brexit Economy – called on the Government to

  • expand its trade missions programme
  • ensure meaningful consultation on priority markets
  • secure the best possible transitional agreements for trading with EU countries
  • ensure future immigration policy enables businesses to meet their skills needs
  • give clear guidance on tax and customs issues
  • maintain stability in terms of regulations
  • guarantee funding for programmes currently co-funded through EU investment, and
  • maintain access to the European Investment Bank.

Since the result of the EU Referendum last June, the Chamber has said that business, the creator of jobs and wealth and driver of the regional and national economy, should play an important role in exit negotiations.

Scott Knowles, the Chamber’s Chief Executive, said:-

“Getting the right messages into Westminster, and making sure our regional MPs are all attuned to the needs of the local business community, are vital to making sure that Britain prospers in a post-Brexit global economy.

“Taking a strong contingent of local business leaders to the heart of Government to deliver their message to MPs gave a very clear indication of just how strongly they want to be involved in negotiations and decisions that will impact them and ultimately affect their ability to be the creators of jobs and wealth and drivers of the regional and national economy.

“We hope to see some indication that Mrs May is listening to business and that she is committing to place the needs of business high on the agenda once Brexit talks begin in earnest.”

Scott added:-

“We know from our own Quarterly Economic Surveys that businesses in the East Midlands are doing well at the moment and are driving the economy but that they have concerns about their EU workforces, immigration generally and trade prices and their impact on inflation.

“Mrs May has an opportunity now to start laying some of those concerns to rest and set out Government plans for Britain outside the EU, where business is ready and waiting to meet whatever challenges lie ahead.”

Scott-Knowles East Midlands Chamber

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Winter Talks Give an Insider’s Guide to Chatsworth

The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire will share some of their favourite treasures and places around their home, Chatsworth, as part of a series of Winter Talks.  Among the subjects covered are some of the more unusual objects and places included in the Chatsworth Estate, as well as the history and stories behind them.

Running from 12 January to 10 March, the Winter Talks also feature a fresh selection of expert speakers covering a diverse range of interests, from the challenges of managing the garden and waterways, to an insider’s view of working at Chatsworth as a housekeeper and a look at 250 years of life below stairs.

12 January: Dave Spencer, Domain Senior Supervisor, ‘Lakes and waterways’

Chatsworth’s famous Cascade, Canal Pond and spectacular Emperor Fountain are all fed from lakes situated in Stand Wood above the house, and the river Derwent flows through the parkland in front of the house. The care and maintenance of the miles of waterways that supply the lakes, as well as the streams and pipes taking water to the fountains, is of the upmost importance. David will explain how it all works and how the domain team maintain it.

19 January: John Everitt, Head of Forestry, ‘Modern forestry on a historic estate’

The Chatsworth Estate’s 37,000 acres contain hundreds of thousands of trees. John Everitt talks about the role of a modern estate forester and the day-to-day management of 1600 hectares of mixed woodland.   He will also outline plans for the development of the estate, including plans for diversification of the woodlands in terms of species and age structure to create a sustainable resource for future generations.

26 January: Steve Porter, Head of Gardens and Landscape, ‘Managing a modern garden’

With Capability Brown and Joseph Paxton as his predecessors, Steve Porter has a tough act to follow. He’s also got to deal with the impact of more than 500,000 visitors every year while managing and expanding the plant collection, working with external consultants to develop new areas, using contractors to maintain and improve the fabric and historic features, as well as guiding an expanding team of gardeners, trainees and volunteers.  This talk is an opportunity to learn more about how it all works and find out about plans to develop the garden.

27 January: the Collections Team, ‘250 years of stories from the servants hall’

The Collections Team at Chatsworth, in conjunction with Sheffield University, will give an illuminating talk about life below stairs for servants and staff who helped to keep the house and estate running during the years from 1700 to 1950. This talk will tell the stories of servants that have been found in the archives –  from butlers, housekeepers, cooks, cleaners, footmen, gardeners, and many more.

2 February: Lord Burlington, ‘Shaping a greener Chatsworth’

Lord Burlington founded the Devonshire Group Environmental Committee (DGEC) in 2010 to drive forward his vision for ‘A Greener Chatsworth’. In 2013, Chatsworth received recognition for its sustainability work through a Green Tourism Gold Award and in 2016 was awarded the Peak District Environmental Quality Mark. Here, Lord Burlington talks about future projects and his vision for a greener Chatsworth.

10 February: Shenagh Firth, Head Guide, ‘Duchess Georgiana’

Gambler, collector, activist, style icon, socialite and duchess, Georgiana was notorious in her day as wife of the 5th Duke of Devonshire. The celebrated subject of a Gainsborough portrait, Duchess Georgiana has fascinated generations since her death and has been the subject of major books and films.

2 March: Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, ‘Our home at Chatsworth’

The Duke and Duchess will share some of their favourite treasures and places both inside the house and out, as well as in the garden and park. They will be talking about some things visitors may be familiar with, as well as some of the more unusual objects and places at Chatsworth and the history and stories behind them.

10 March: Christine Robinson, Head Housekeeper (retired), ‘The Housekeeper’s tips, tales and tipples’

Following on from her first book, “Chatsworth, The Housekeeper’s Tale”, Christine Robinson (former Head Housekeeper), will publish her next book, “Chatsworth, The Housekeeper’s Tips, Tales and Tipples” in March 2017. During her talk, Christine will invite the audience to join her on a journey through an ordinary house, but with particular reference to Chatsworth. In this illustrated talk, she will explore the history surrounding everyday objects, the care required for Chatsworth’s precious objects, and reveal more hidden stories from her forty years’ experience working at the house.

All the talks can be booked online and are taking place in the Hartington Room or the historic theatre. Throughout winter, the Stables shop and restaurant are open daily from 10.30am to 4.30pm.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Visiting

Chesterfield Canal Trust celebrates Aviva funding

The Chesterfield Canal Trust has won £10,000 following an announcement by the Aviva Community Fund.

The funds, awarded to the Last Cuckoo Project, will be used to run an archaeological dig at Staveley. The site to be excavated is the original Bellhouse Basin on the canal where it is believed that at least one Cuckoo boat, unique to the canal, could be found.

The Trust competed with thousands of local organisations around the UK to receive funding as part of the Aviva Community Fund 2016. The nationwide initiative, which launched in September, called upon passionate local residents to submit a project close to their heart to be in with a chance of securing funding ranging from £1,000 to £25,000.

Each organisation had to galvanise the support of their local community to vote for their entry in six categories: health, disability and well-being; supporting the younger generation; supporting the older generation; sport in the community; environment (in association with The Mirror) and community support. Over 5 million votes were placed with over 450 projects benefitting overall. The Trust succeeded in winning over 9,000 votes from supporters.

Andy Robinson, a long time Trust member who wrote the bid, said:-

“I am absolutely delighted that we have won this money. We will spend the next few months getting everything ready for the dig itself, which will take place in August.

“We intend to involve lots of members of the local community, including children. This is a chance for them to learn first had about how Staveley played a vital part right from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.”

Posted in About Chesterfield, Development

Café society arriving at Dunston Business Park

Workers on Dunston Business Park will be able to take advantage of new catering facilities when the Chamber moves to its new office.

Commerce House, formerly St Andrew’s House, has a modern kitchen and refectory which will be opened up to workers from neighbouring offices.

Chamber member The Lovely Catering Company, Chesterfield, will be providing the café service and use the commercial-standard kitchen as a base for its outside catering business.

Hot and cold food, sandwiches, snacks and other refreshments will be available at the ‘Café at the Chamber’.

Scott Knowles, the Chamber’s Chief Executive, said:-

“We were in two minds about whether to utilise the kitchen and refectory at the new office or remove it – although it seemed a bit of a waste to rip out something which on the surface was perfectly functional.

“There seemed to be a shortage of proper café facilities in the area so we offered the kitchen to one of our members, Neil Parkin at The Lovely Catering Company, and are delighted that he will be able to put it to good use by providing a café not only for Chamber staff but also for our new neighbours.”

Neil said:-

“Our corporate catering service, Lovely Buffet, has grown rapidly over the past couple of years and we were looking for additional space and facilities. We have been a supplier to the Chamber and members for many years now and have a great working relationship.

“I’m pleased we have the opportunity to provide a much-needed cafe service on the Dunston Business Park for staff and public, and to further expand our corporate catering business. We are really looking forward to it.”

The Chamber is planning to move from its current office on Canal Wharf, Chesterfield, to Commerce House, Millennium Way, at the end of February.

It will occupy two floors of the three storey building and is looking for a tenant for the upper floor.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

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