Author: Dom Stevens

Lighting up Chesterfield’s skies

Chesterfield’s skies will once again be lit up at Chesterfield Borough Council’s annual firework extravaganza.

The event takes place on Thursday 3 November at Stand Road Recreation Ground in Whittington Moor.

The gates open earlier this year at 4pm with a fun fair.

Popular presenters from Peak FM with provide fun with their roadshow before the fireworks display at 7pm, one hour earlier than in previous years.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Chesterfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for town centre and visitor economy, said:-

“We hold the fireworks each year as part of our commitment to staging community events.

“It is always extremely popular and this year we have listened to feedback from parents to bring the fireworks forward to 7pm to allow more families to come along and take part.”

Entry to the event will cost £2. Visitors are asked to have the correct money as change cannot be given.

There will also be refreshments available from a variety of food and drink stalls.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Visiting

Government guarantee on millions in EU funding welcomed by D2N2

A Government commitment to honour funding for projects due to receive European Union investment – worth millions of pounds to Derbyshire economy – has been warmly welcomed by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership.

D2N2 – the private sector-led partnership of business, local authorities, education providers, and community and voluntary services – has been allocated € 251million in European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF); to promote economic growth and employment in its area of Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire up to 2020.

Following the UK’s June 23 vote to leave the European Union, the Government had agreed to honour funding already earmarked for ESIF projects, if their contracts had been signed off by the time of next month’s Autumn Statement (on November 23).

Now Chancellor Philip Hammond has made a longer commitment; that ESIF projects approved and signed after the Autumn Statement, and which are due to continue beyond the time the UK leaves the EU – currently expected to happen around summer 2019 – will also be honoured by the Government.

ESIF funding includes various EU funding streams, such as:

  • European Regional Development Fund
  • European Social Fund
  • European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

Mr Hammond said projects would need to seen as good value for money and in line with UK economic aims, to have their funding honoured.

D2N2’s €251m in ESIF funding is currently supporting projects which help small and medium-sized businesses innovate, be more competitive and reduce their environmental impact; funding also supports a wide range of employment and skills programmes, often helping those in the most deprived areas or with fewer qualifications.

Over the 2014-2020 period of D2N2’s current ESIF funding allocation – one of the largest amounts allocated to any of the UK’s 39 Local Enterprise Partnerships – its targets include:

  • supporting 5,000 businesses, particularly in sectors such as information communication technology (ICT), and low carbon and ‘green’ energy;
  • helping 400 start-up businesses;
  • enabling 15,000 people to find employment;
  • helping 8,000 people overcome social exclusion;
  • assisting 2,500 business in improving their employees’ skills levels.

Welcoming the Government’s new commitment David Ralph, Chief Executive of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, said:-

“This clearly shows the Government’s recognition that the ESIF programmes run by D2N2 and its fellow LEPs in the UK are a significant component of its economic strategy.

“Projects submitted for ESIF funding go through a robust assessment by ourselves and the Department for Communities and Local Government, with whom we work. Regular checks will be made throughout the life of the projects, to ensure they meet their promises to make a difference to the local economy and our communities.

“This commitment from Government will mean Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire can benefit fully from millions of pounds allocated to help their economy.”


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Mayor and Mayoress lead a procession of Chesterfield College University Centre Graduates through the town centre.

The mayor of Chesterfield, Councillor Steve Brunt and the mayoress, Mrs Jill Mannion-Brunt led a procession of proud Chesterfield College University Centre graduates from the town hall to the Crooked Spire today. A special ceremony took place at the iconic venue to mark the academic achievements of the graduates as proud family and friends watched on.

Just over 300 people graduated this year with a range of qualifications from Higher National Diplomas to degrees in a variety of subjects ranging from criminal justice to computing; engineering to education and human resources to health and fitness.

Joining the graduates in the procession were representatives from awarding body universities including Staffordshire University, Sheffield Hallam University and University of Derby as well as the Principal of Chesterfield College, Stuart Cutforth and Chair of the College Corporation, Frank Smith and course leaders.

Stuart Cutforth, Principal at Chesterfield College said: “It is an honour to be part of the graduation ceremony today and celebrate with all of these people who have chosen university level courses as a way to enhance their careers or follow a new career path. I am proud that we can offer students the choice of a university on their doorstep as I know that makes a big difference to many who try to fit studying around other commitments or feel more confident in the smaller, supportive and friendly environment we provide.”

First Class Health Related Exercise and Fitness graduate and ex-Mr Universe, Rob Worthington delivered an inspirational speech at the ceremony. Rob has devoted his life to health and fitness which has taken him to far off places and earned him many accolades along the way. His degree is the latest success in a long line of achievements which he feels has opened up new career opportunities and given him the confidence to study further.

He said: “I’d thought about returning to studying for years so started to look around for courses. The degree Chesterfield College offered was a good match with the job I was doing and how I wanted to develop. It was really convenient for me to study around work commitments and coming to a place that offered smaller groups and supportive tutors was perfect for someone like me returning to study.”

Chesterfield College Graduation 2016

Posted in About Chesterfield, Celebrate Chesterfield

Exciting evening in store at upcoming DSSA Sports Awards

Talented sports performers and volunteers from across the county will gather at Chesterfield’s Proact Stadium on Wednesday October 19 to discover the winners of the 2016 Derbyshire Schools’ Sports Association (DSSA) Sports Awards.

A total of 108 separate nominations were received over the summer for individuals, teams or groups, with all nine areas of the county represented.

Of those, 39 have been shortlisted for an award in 12 categories, which have been divided into individual, team, volunteer and media sections.

Awards for individual achievement include Disabled Sportsperson of the Year, Primary School Sportsperson of the Year and Secondary School Sportsperson of the Year, all in School Sport, along with Non-School Sport Sportsperson of the Year.

Team awards are Primary Team, Secondary Team and Disability Team, while volunteer categories include Young Leader / Ambassador – Primary School, Young Leader / Ambassador – Secondary School, Young Leader / Ambassador – Disability and the Adult Volunteer Award.

A winner of the Media and Arts Contribution to School Sport Award will also be revealed, as well as this year’s recipient of the Services to School Sport Award in honour of Suzanne Meehan, the former Chair of DSSA who passed away in 2014.

Karen Shopland, Chair of the DSSA, said:-

“During the 2015-16 school year thousands of students have improved their skills, learned to compete fairly, gained confidence, as well as respect for themselves and others, improved their health and had lots of fun by taking part in inter-school competitions, matches, tournaments, leagues and festivals, as well as intra-school events.

“Some of these young people have gone on to compete at higher levels, representing their district at the Derbyshire School Games and other events, and in some cases representing their county, region or even country.

“The DSSA Sports Awards will recognise the success of our young people, and the many hard-working volunteers, and I would like to congratulate all those shortlisted.”

Talented golfer Bradley Moore retained the title of Sportsperson of the Year at last year’s event in front of more than 200 guests, while cyclist Grace Longden (Primary School Sportsperson of the Year) and table tennis player Thomas Spicer (Disabled Sportsperson of the Year) were also among the winners.


Posted in About Chesterfield

Free conference to address employability skills of young people in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire

Places still remain at a free conference which seeks to address the important issue of young people’s employability skills in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

Organisers the D2N2 Enterprise Advisor Network and Destination Chesterfield, are appealing to representatives from education and businesses to attend the free conference, which is being held at Ringwood Hall on Wednesday 19 October 2016 from 8.00am – 10.00am.

The conference follows the launch of the D2N2 Employability Framework at last year’s (2015) Annual Conference of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership; a private sector-led body which promotes economic growth and jobs creation across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

The Employability Framework – which is being delivered (with £300,000 in support) through the Government-backed Careers & Enterprise Company Enterprise Adviser Network, and D2N2 – seeks to address the mismatch between the employability skills that young people are leaving school with or picking up through post-16 training programmes, against those needed by employers.

While apprenticeship opportunities in the area have increased, a recent D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership report suggests that only 48% of schools are organising visits to local apprenticeship providers, leaving employers struggling to fill apprenticeship vacancies.

The increase in apprenticeship opportunities in the area and less young people to fill them, coupled with the opening of the new University of Derby’s St. Helena campus in Chesterfield, has pushed employability skills to the top of the local agenda.

The conference on October 19 will aim to build stronger links between schools and employers in the area, and help young people better realise their career potential.

Gail Widerman, Director of Placing Futures Ltd, a partner of the D2N2’s Employability Framework said: “We work with both schools and businesses and more and more employers are telling us that they want work ready young people. I am delighted that so many schools and businesses have come on board with Chesterfield’s first Employability Skills Conference and are taking a joint approach to finding a solution and giving young people a very real future in industry.”

Dom Stevens, Destination Chesterfield Manager commented: “With more than £1billion of investment happening in Chesterfield over the next 10 years it is vital that our young people are work ready and have the skills that employers want. Having a pool of work ready employees is one of the key reasons businesses invest in an area and create jobs. The conference is designed to bring together the education and business communities and address the perceived and real skills gaps before they become an issue.”

To attend the free Chesterfield Employability Conference visit Or, to find out more about the D2N2 Employability Framework go to:

Ringwood Hall

Posted in Uncategorised

Chesterfield’s first coworking space triples in size

Dedicated shared office space can now accommodate up to 25 people at a single time offers flexible and affordable office space to entrepreneurs, freelancers and telecommuters

Lonely entrepreneurs, freelancers and telecommuters working from home in Chesterfield need no longer be frustrated following the completion of expansion work at Monkey Park Works , the town’s first dedicated coworking space.

A team of volunteers and skilled tradespeople have completed the second phase of renovation work at the former tile warehouse, tripling the capacity of the shared office space above the Monkey Park cafe, bakery and cycle repair workshop on Chester Street in Brampton.

With more than 1,000 square feet of modern office space, there is now capacity for up to 50 members, who work alongside each other using a combination of open plan and cubicle seating.

Membership is very flexible, ranging from one day a week to full time. 15 people currently use the shared workspace on a regular basis, including staff working for mobile app developer 7DayTek , technology consultancy Systems Makers , PR and digital communications agency Roaring Mouse and several freelancers.

Simon Redding, cofounder and director of Monkey Park, comments: “We are delighted to complete the second phase of building work at Monkey Park Works. We now have a thoroughly modern working environment, supplied with superfast internet, that provides small businesses with a cost effective alternative to traditional offices and people who would otherwise work from home with a sociable substitute to the kitchen table.”

“Although we are only nine months old, we’ve already become a hub for digital & creative businesses and charities in the Chesterfield area. They appreciate being able to use the
coworking space to collaborate and be part of a working community. People are using the space to trade internationally and bring new opportunities back to Chesterfield and we are keen to foster more startups and other social enterprises that can create new jobs and new opportunities locally. As we’re a community nonprofit, we’ll also be using the income from the workspace to support the local area.”


Posted in Uncategorised

Still places available at University skills base evening

How part-time study can boost your career without affecting your lifestyle  will be revealed by the University of Derby’s team at its new Chesterfield Campus on October 27.

Professionals aiming to get ahead can meet the team at the Sheffield Road site for a Professional and Part-Time Study Open Evening.

From 4pm-7pm, University lecturers will be at the Campus in the former St Helena’s grammar school to outline the range of business, engineering, IT and health care courses on offer.

Professor Margaret Bruce, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, at the University of Derby explained the benefits of part-time study: “Our flexible approach to teaching and learning enables you to fit studying around your other commitments.

“That means you can gain a professional qualification whilst working, to help further your career, broadening your skills and knowledge in a flexible way, without it affecting your lifestyle.”

Courses available through part-time study in Chesterfield are:

  • HND Business and Management
  • BEng (Hons) Professional Engineering
  • FdSc Information Technology
  • Continuing Professional Development in Health and Social Care

The Campus, due to open this month, has had a multi-million pound conversion which has been sympathetic to the listed St Helena’s building, conserving as many of its historic features as possible.

Professional and Part-Time Study Open Evening Location: Chesterfield Campus,  Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, S41 7LU, October 27, 4pm to 7pm.

Booking is essential: visit days.


Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Made in Chesterfield

Search starts for the year’s most enterprising women

A quest to find the most successful and inspirational local businesswomen will launch next week.

The hunt is on for nominations for the 2017 East Midlands Chamber Enterprising Women Awards.

And the ‘little black dress’ dinner that will start the hunt for outstanding women in business in the region will also mark 20 years of the annual celebration.

Chamber President Jean Mountain launched the Enterprising Women Awards in 1997 to recognise the achievements of women in business, particularly those juggling careers and home life.

The ‘little black dress’ dinner will be held at The Priest House Hotel, Castle Donington on 12 October and will be hosted by the co-chairs of Enterprising Women, Jean Mountain and Eileen Richards.

The awards will be presented at Colwick Hall Hotel, Nottingham, at a men-invited black-tie, little-black-dress dinner on the evening of Friday 3 March next year to coincide with International Women’s Day.

There are six awards to be won this year: Inspirational Woman of the Year, Outstanding Contribution to Business, Enterprising New Businesswoman of the Year, Enterprising Women Team of the Year, Enterprising Woman in the Community and Rising Star.

Entries have to be in by Friday 6 January 2017. Entry is by nomination, but can be self-nominated.

A host of organisations are supporting the awards, including headline sponsor Cambridge and Counties Bank, Qdos, The Money Shop, Derby College, Leicester Tigers and Leicester Racecourse.

Jean Mountain, President of East Midlands Chamber, said:-

“There are some very talented and hard-working businesswomen in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire who make an important contribution to the local economy. All too often, their contribution does not get the recognition it deserves.

“By highlighting their contribution and telling their stories, hopefully we can inspire other women to pursue their business dream, which is why I would urge as many people as possible to send in nominations for this year’s awards.”

Chamber membership is a requirement for nomination. For a nomination application pack email or call the Chamber’s events team on 0333 320 0333 and select ‘option 2’ when prompted.

East Midlands Chamber logo

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business

Chesterfield Celebrates Sporting Success

Over 200 local athletes, mentors and school pupils came to the Winding Wheel for the much anticipated 2016 Active Chesterfield Sports Awards on Thursday 29th September. In association with Chesterfield Borough Council, the Chesterfield School Sport Partnership combined community sports awards with those for schools and school teams that have excelled over the past year.

Mark Tournier, Partnership Development Manager at the Chesterfield School Sport Partnership, said:-

“The Active Chesterfield Awards provided an exciting platform to recognise and celebrate local sporting success and honour the dedication of sports leaders and volunteers.

“The Awards recognise the work that schools play in developing opportunities to shine through Sport and Leadership and to celebrate the success of individuals and teams across Chesterfield.

“Everyone involved in school and community sport in Chesterfield deserves praise and thanks. The Winding Wheel provided the ideal setting to give the worthy winners and highly commended nominees to receive their awards.”

22 awards were presented to athletes, coaches and volunteers from across the community. In the school sport awards, the major winners included Cutthorpe Primary, Brookfield Community School, Brampton Primary and Springwell Community College who each picked up a team achievement award. 2016 Rio Olympian Liam Pitchford and Deaf Golf World Champion Lydia Ingman were crowned Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year respectively.

Lydia Ingman said:-

“Though totally unexpected, I am truly honoured to have received this accolade, and would like to thank my family and all others who have supported me over the years, for making it happen.”

Liam Pitchford, was unable to attend the event as he is competing in Europe. His proud father was there to collect the Sportsman of the Year award on his behalf.

Liam competed for Team GB in the singles and team events at the Rio 2016 Olympics, reaching the last 32 in the singles and, alongside Paul Drinkhall and Sam Walker, beating France to reach the quarter-finals of the team event, where GB only lost to eventual winners China.

In a video message Liam said:-

“It’s a real honour to receive the award after what has been an amazing year”.

Steve Roberts, Principle at Outwood Academy Newbold, said:-

“We were delighted to be nominated and then win the awards for Media and Arts Contribution and also for Secondary School Sports Organising Committee. The students have worked tirelessly both to provide opportunities for students to participate in school sports and also to celebrate and showcase their successes.

“This award means so much as it provides recognition from outside of the academy that the work of “Sports Voice” is valued and also has real impact. The students felt very proud to be there and very special to attend such a wonderful event.

“There was also an opportunity to recognise the achievements of staff and the Highly Commended Award for our Head of PE Andy Tice was very special too. It is that combination of good leadership in PE and fabulous students that has helped PE and Sport play a full role in academy life.”

Volunteers and coaches were rewarded too, with Tim Sadler being awarded the Lifetime Achievement award; this caps of an incredible summer for Tim, having been awarded the People’s Award Outstanding Contribution to Community Football by Derbyshire FA in July.

The evening was a great success and something which the Chesterfield School Sport Partnership looks to build upon for the years ahead. As a town, Chesterfield has some exceptionally talented sportsmen and women of all ages, as well as hard working volunteers and coaches. The Chesterfield School Sport Partnership, through initiatives such as Active Chesterfield will continue to promote their success.


A full list of winners can be found below:

Team Achievement – Primary
Winner: Cutthorpe School
Highly commended: Brockwell Junior School


Team Achievement Secondary School
Winner: Brookfield Community School Girls badminton
Highly commended: Brookfield Community School boys badminton, Hasland Hall Community School


Team Achievement Disability
Joint winners: Springwell Community College and Brampton School


Media & Arts Contribution to Sport
Winner: Outwood Academy


Individual Young Leader of the Year
Winner: Hannah Birks
Highly commended: Natasha Froggatt


School Sport Organising Crew
Winner: Brampton Primary School
Highly commended: Hasland Junior School, Old Hall Junior School


School Sport Organising Committee
Winner: Outwood Academy
Highly commended: Brookfield Community School


Team of the Year
Winner: Tapton Park Golf Club Junior section


School Staff Award
Joint winners: Jo Lenthall Brockwell Junior School, Jan Brammer St Mary’s School
Highly commended: Andy Tice, Outwood Academy


Junior Sportsman of the Year
Winner: William Bygrave


Junior Sportswoman of the Year
Winner: Amber Downham
Highly commended: Edie Carr


Coach of the Year
Winner: Jack Chambers
Highly commended: Dave Cartawick and Stephanie Miles


Volunteer of the Year
Winner: Frazer Hipkiss
Highly commended: Joshua Ball


Active Workplace Award
Winner: Post office


Community Award
Winner: Newbold Community Football Training


Club of the Year
Winner: Unit 1 Martial Arts


Lifetime Achievement Award
Winner: Tim Sadler


Young Sportsman of the Year
Winner: Aaron Cobley
Highly commended: Oliver Dakin


Young Sportswoman of the Year
Winner: Alicia Barrett
Highly commended: Ella Barrett, Chloe Stennett


Disabled Sportsperson of the Year
Winner: Lydia Ingmam


Sportsman of the Year
Winner: Liam Pitchford
Highly commended: Ludwig Ramsey


Sportswoman of the Year
Winner: Lydia Ingmam



Posted in About Chesterfield

Jessica Ennis Hill brings VitalityMove to Chatsworth

Great Britain’s heptathlon star, JESSICA ENNIS-HILL, has today stepped up her mission to help get the nation fit and healthy, by teaming up with Vitality to launch VitalityMove – two incredible events that combine her passion for running and music and her desire to encourage everyone to take achievable steps to a healthy life.

The event at Chatsworth scheduled for the 9th July is set to attract 10,000s of people and will play host to a range of great activities for families, beginners and committed runners alike. From one mile music fun runs and family races, to the more traditional 5k and 10k distances, VitalityMove represents an exciting new format for events in the UK, with a focus on encouraging people to move more by making running fun.

All of the runs will take place alongside themed music that will be specifically developed by Jessica’s friend – legendary DJ, TREVOR NELSON. Trevor will be attending both events alongside Jessica, using his music expertise combined with an understanding of what the British public run to, to help inspire the nation to get active.

Speaking about the event, Jessica said: “I have been so lucky to have got so much out of my sport – not only a career but a lifestyle. Leading a healthy and active life does not have to be a chore – it really can be enjoyable. I have teamed up with Vitality to create new events that aim to be inclusive and to appeal to as many people as possible – using music and running together to create a fun atmosphere. Whether you are a first time runner or a seasoned athlete we will cater for you – and hopefully make it a day to remember. But above all we want the experience leaving you to want to do more events.

Vitality’s core purpose is to make people healthier and to enhance and protect their lives, and the partnership with Jessica to stage VitalityMove is a great way to highlight the importance of health and wellness.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Leisure, Summer, Visiting

New pub to open in Chesterfield

A centuries-old landmark village pub springs back into life tomorrow (Tuesday 4th October) after a £2million makeover.

The Old Pump in Barlow, which had stood forlorn since closing in December 2014, has been transformed into a sophisticated country pub with a host of local real ales and Derbyshire produce on the menu.

Its new lease of life actually harks back to a previous life – the Hackney Lane pub is to be renamed The Peacock At Barlow, the title it was given by landowners the Duke of Rutland when it began life as a busy 18th century coaching inn.

“The Dukes of Rutland were major landowners in this region and gave The Peacock name to all the inns on their patch,” said landlord Roger Salt. “I believe the Rutland coat of arms featured a peacock crest, but why all the pubs were given the same name I don’t know. Maybe the intention was to create one of the earliest forms of pub chains. I’d love to find out more. If there’s a local history buff who knows the answer, there’s a pint in it.”

Roger and wife Rebecca ran pubs in Chesterfield before taking over the Kelstedge Inn on the outskirts of Ashover.

Said Rebecca: “We are thrilled to be at the helm of The Peacock at Barlow. It has to be one of the most stylish pubs around. No expense has been spared, yet great care has been taken to ensure the country character and history has been retained and our finest feature – the magnificent view – is allowed to shine.

“The atmosphere is sophisticated, yet relaxed, a place where people can come for a night out or straight from a long country walk for good ale and a scrumptious meal made from the wealth of quality produce on our doorstep. Local residents have actually helped to create the menu; we asked for their favourite pub dishes and ideas have been flooding in.”

A glass atrium, conservatory and four luxury en-suite guest bedrooms have been created for the October opening. Four more bedrooms will be added shortly in the next phase of development and in the New Year the pub will boast its own on-site brewery, The Derbyshire Brewing Company.

The pub has been redeveloped by local businessmen Derek Mapp and David Bond, who have a strong background in innkeeping and hospitality from their Mansfield Brewery and Tom Cobleigh days. Derek’s son Chris runs the highly-acclaimed pub and restaurant the Tickled Trout in Valley Road, Barlow.

The Peacock At Barlow springs back into life tomorrow (Tuesday 4th October) after a £2million makeover.

Posted in About Chesterfield, Business, Chesterfield Food and Drink Awards

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